Chapter 4

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JJ's pov: 

After Shoupe told us the news of John B and Sarah being lost at sea, I felt like killing someone. John B was my brother, he was my family. I felt utterly lost without him. And Sarah, I mean we only just started hanging out with her, but i thought she was awesome. 

After standing in the tent for a while hugging Mr. and Mrs. Heyward they all went home. Kiara with her parents and Pope with his. I started walking with no destination. I kept walking and walking until I got to the beach. I sat down and cried. I couldn't go home. I mean, my dad would kill me after taking the keys and drowning his boat. For some reason all I wanted to do was go find Kiara and Pope and be with them. But I couldn't, they needed some time to process what happened. And so did I. 

I hadn't eaten in such a long time and I was hungry. I walked home dreading what would happen after I walked through that door. 

I walked in, and no one was there. 

I guess he had other things to do. 

I walked to the kitchen and all I found was a piece of moldy bread. I put some peanut butter on it and ate it as fast as I could. It was disgusting, but I didnt care. 

I went to bed and lied there for what felt like months. It had been 5 days, and still no sign of Luke anywhere. I was starting to worry he might have left for good, leaving me all alone. That's when i heard the door open and saw him standing in the doorway. 

He didn't look happy. He looked me right in the eyes and started shouting at me. I could tell he was drunk of his ass, but it didn't matter, he scared me anyway. 

"You piece of shit." "How could you do this?" "What the hell man, my boat, MY BOAT." That is all I could hear. 

He ran towards me and I had no time to react. He pushed me against the hall and started punching me. He was punching me all over the place. I was trying to throw one back, but I was too exhausted. 

He threw me onto the floor and started kicking me. He kicked and kicked until I was close to being past out. 

He walked away and whispered: "you piece of shit."

I didn't want to live anymore. I was so tired, tired of everything. Tired of John B and tired of my father. I just wanted him gone. I was just about to give up, give up on life and everything when the door opened. 

I opened my eyes and saw a tall girl with curly hair. I realized it was Kiara. I was so thankful. She just looked at me with fear in her eyes. "JJ?" She kept repeating these words over and over.

Kiara's POV:

As I saw him lying there on the floor bruised and bleeding, I got so scared. Scared for him, scared that his father would come in, but none of that mattered. All that mattered was JJ. 

I rushed over to his side and put my hand on his cheek. He flinched. 

"Sorry." I quickly said as I removed my hand. He just gave me one of his JJ grins. God, I had missed him so much, his face, his grin, everything. 

I looked him in the eyes and he looked right back. I got so lost in them. I think I flashed him a quick smile before saying: "come on JJ, let's go to the Chateau." 

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