Chapter 2

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Pope's POV:

After I heard the news about John B and Sarah, I felt worse than I ever had. I mean finding out that my best friend was lost at sea, that was not easy to hear.

I'm not sure if I believe it. I mean everyone is saying that they are dead, even Ward. But somewhere inside me, I feel like they are still alive, out there, somewhere.

This summer has been the crappiest summer of my life. I mean first I lost my scholarship, then John B and Sarah disappeared, and I haven't seen Kie or JJ since that night.

When I got the text from Kie, I was really happy. I mean, don't get me wrong, I am seriously hurt that John B is gone, but at the same time I wanted to move on with my life. I mean, not like forget about JB, but just start hanging out with Kie and JJ again.

I hadn't talked to Kie about the kiss since it happened, and I had no idea how she felt about it.

All I knew was that I really loved her, not like a friend, but I was just in love with her.

I don't know if she feels the same way though. I hope so.

As I was getting ready to meet up with Kie, and maybe JJ.

He hadn't responded to our texts, he was probably somewhere drinking or something.

I texted Kie that I was on my way. She responded that she was already there. I wondered if JJ was also there, and if so that Kie was alone with JJ.

I don't know why the thought of that bothered me so much. I guess just because JJ has always been hitting on her, and she is mine.

Or well not really, but I want her to be.

I got on my bike and started biking towards the Chateau.

When I got there, I saw Kie's green truck outside, parked right in front of the house. I didn't see any sign of JJ, which made me kind of happy.

As soon as I realized I was feeling this way a wash of guilt came over me. How could I? JJ was my best friend. He took the blame for me with Toppers boat. How could I ever feel that way?

I quickly stopped thinking about it and started walking towards the Chateau.

I got serious John B chills being in that place, and I felt super guilty for even thinking that I could just 'move on' with my life. I mean John B was my best friend, like a brother.

I opened the door to the Chateau and found Kie sitting on the sofa.

She looked up at me as I walked in, and looked at her.

Kie's POV:

I heard someone outside and thought that maybe it was JJ.

When Pope walked through the door I was slightly disappointed that it wasn't JJ.

I looked up at Pope and forced a hint of a smile. He was staring intensely at me, it kind of scared me.

He walked over to me and pulled me into a hug. It felt good, I missed him. We stood there for like an eternity until I pulled out of the hug.

"Hi Pope" I said awkwardly. He just kept looking at me. "Hey Kie" he replied.

"How are you?" he asked me.

I know he didn't have bad intentions asking me that, but part of me was really annoyed with that question. Like how do you think I am. I just lost 2 of my best friends at sea, and the other one is God knows where.

I just faked a smile and said: "been better, you?" "Yeah, me too" he responded. There was this weird awkward tension between us.

I just asked him the question I had been wanting to ask him since he arrived: "have you seen or heard from JJ?" 

I mean, I was seriously worried about him, but maybe he texted Pope or something. 

Hey guys, here is the second chapter. The chapters will get longer as the story goes on. Hope you guys enjoy it.

A Jiara Story | together foreverजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें