Doc Holliday shows you it's him!

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Doc got up when you did when Wynonna arrives at the house this morning, Waverly has to head to the college in the next town over, you don't work until tonight so Doc is heading this way now to prove its him, Wynonna is going with Waverly so Waverly can take her two finals today, leaving you alone on the homestead with Doc Holliday, Waverly's boyfriend Champ is being everything over that your uncle Curtis left to you three, as they leave after breakfast and head to Waverly's college for her two finals and he is heading that way now, you got to call Nicole Haught for a ride to the station, which isn't a problem Randy Nedley knows the situation with us only having one car right now until I can get my car back after Curtis's funeral in two days, but uncle Curtis left you blue steel the motorcycle you two worked on when you where a teenager. You get ready for Doc to arrive on the homestead,

You have coffee on your front porch when he walks to the gate as you smile as push a button on your phone and the gate opens as he smiles as he walks over to the porch "morning darling, what is my test? As you giggle John Henry Holliday follow me ...

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You have coffee on your front porch when he walks to the gate as you smile as push a button on your phone and the gate opens as he smiles as he walks over to the porch "morning darling, what is my test? As you giggle John Henry Holliday follow me and your the greatest gunslinger ever prove it" as you two walk to the back where you got some bottles a playing card and a sliver piece "i can feel your telling the truth but I need proof" he looks at you with a smirk on his face " that's not a problem darling I will prove to you I'm the greatest gunslinger ever John Henry Holliday but you can call me Doc" as he starts and right away he proves it.

As he smirks at you as you look at him "you made a deal with someone evil, a stone witch, did you Holliday? As he looks at you "yeah I was dying 130 years ago and I made a deal to get better and stay the same age if I told her where her son's bones where location but the thing is they are all over but I give her the best location to start looking for them, she then throw me down the well on your land and I was there for 100 years" as you look at him and move towards him, "I knew that but I wanted to hear you say it Doc, about two years ago I started scents people's true nature, this stone witch is back close by too she has the revenants looking for the bones under the control of Bobo Del Rey, you know him right? he is one of the kills my grand grandfather did with you plus he was there last night the one with the animal skin coat" as Doc smiles at you "Bobo Del Rey isn't something special stone witch is just using him just like she did with everyone in the past, just like me I was dumb and give the best location for her son's bones and she curse me by throw me in my own personal hell in that well and I couldn't die, but she will get hers by the hand of Doc Holliday"

As you smile at him "so Shasta Earp what's your middle name i know parents had a thing for Ws in the name I mean your sister's are named Willa, Wynonna and Waverly why are you different? As you look at him "I'm the first born I am peacemaker handler my dad said I should be called Shasta Earp none of us have middle names so you had Willa Earp, then Wynonna Earp then finally Waverly Earp. As he smiles at you "peacemaker handler and you can scents people's true nature that's a big deal" as he gets closer to you and touches your face "your grand grandfather always said I would meet my match in someone in his family and I think I have with you, so 5 days your be 30 years old so have you got peacemaker? As you giggle "yep it's safe until my birthday then I'm going to send the revenants back to hell where they belong, you can help if you want to? As he smiles at you "you want me around Shasta? As you smile at him.

"Yes Doc Holliday I would like your help with this" as he smirks at you "I'm in darling, is it possible to move In the barn I only paid shorty for the room above the bar for two nights so tonight is my last one? As you smile big at him "the barn is yours Doc Holliday" as he grabs your hand and kisses it "thank you darling I appreciate it" as you smile at him as champ comes up with his truck with everything uncle Curtis left you three girls, as Doc helps champ with everything, especially the bike it's a beautiful as champ leaves soon after and you take the stuff inside the house for Wynonna and Waverly and you come back out and look at your baby blue

Doc smiles "it's a beauty, your uncle Curtis left it to you" as you giggle at him "yeah when I was a teenager me and uncle Curtis fix it up, it's blue steel" as he smirks "I'll be here in the morning to fix up me a place in the Barn, his funeral i...

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Doc smiles "it's a beauty, your uncle Curtis left it to you" as you giggle at him "yeah when I was a teenager me and uncle Curtis fix it up, it's blue steel" as he smirks "I'll be here in the morning to fix up me a place in the Barn, his funeral is what two days from now I'll go with you, Wynonna and Waverly" as you nod your head at him "Doc Holliday your going to fit in really well here" as he smiles and says "I was hoping on your birthday I could take you out?" as you smile big at him "I would like that very much, we can take Baby my car I'll have her back the day after Curtis's funeral, she is a 1970 Chevrolet Camaro and she is Orange with black stripes down the hood " as he nods his head. As you send Nicole a text message to come pick you up for your shift at the station soon, and you promised to give her some gas money when you get paid, and tonight will be the last night she has to come pick you up, you got your rides tomorrow morning, you will go put a tag and insurance on the bike so you can drive it tomorrow night then your off for Uncle Curtis's funeral then the next day you get blue steel back so you will have two different rides come next week when you return to work. After the funeral and your birthday.

To be continued in a couple days...
Next part will be Uncle Curtis's funeral then your birthday....

John Henry "Doc Holliday x Reader EarpWhere stories live. Discover now