The Beginning

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You are the oldest Earp sister you are older then Willa, so the curse is on you, back in the day Willa grab peacemaker and got kidnapped and killed by the Revenants or you all thought and then Wynonna grab peacemaker and shot and killed your dad, she took peacemaker and hide it but being the true Heir when you turn 30 years of age you and peacemaker will find your way together because you got to send the revenants back to hell, and your 30th birthday is a week away you are scenting peacemaker, you know where Wynonna hide it years ago but it's about to come home to it's rightful owner. Your name is Shasta Earp, then their is Willa Earp who is deceased Wynonna Earp and Waverly Earp, Wynonna left town right after 18th birthday because she was haunt by the fact she killed dad, right after she killed dad she did two different stays in the asylum right outside of town, she has been gone from Purgatory for 7 years she came to visit 3 years ago, she is coming home for my birthday and our uncle Curtis died. Each one of the earp girls have something special about them, you are the Heir plus you can scents people's true nature, Wynonna has Mama Earp in her, she is badass crazy but it comes in handy and for Waverly she is a Nephilim but she is still an Earp.

Willa was more like mama Earp then Wynonna, she had daddy issues, she was seeing Bobo Del Rey an revenant and she isn't really died Bobo has been keeping her up in the woods, she really was the bad earp daughter, she loves an revenant who our grand grandfather killed back in the day to keep us all safe but she also let the 7 who came on the homestead and grab her for Bobo and then Wynonna killing dad is on her hands, Willa grabbed peacemaker before I could she had her hand in the massacre, Mama Earp had major daddy issues she cheated on dad with an Angel named Julian but Waverly is Earp too it was a miracle she has three different times of blood running through her body, Mama and Daddy plus Julian's. You have been taking care of Waverly for years, who has so much information on the earp curse, you two are still living in the homestead. Wynonna is head back home and she promised to stay around for a while this time around.You are being pulled towards the old well on the back end of the property, you are going to go get it today because in two days Uncle Curtis's funeral is happen then 3 days after that it's your birthday, it's calling you so today you are getting it and putting it in a safe place until your birthday. When you go get it you unleash John Henry Doc Holliday, from then well that has been his own personal hell for the last 130 years.

You get peacemaker and hid it somewhere safe until your birthday in 5 days, then you head to shorty bar to get Waverly from her shift, not knowing you have unleashed a very handsome, pissed off Doc Holliday and you two will run into each other soon,

You get peacemaker and hid it somewhere safe until your birthday in 5 days, then you head to shorty bar to get Waverly from her shift, not knowing you have unleashed a very handsome, pissed off Doc Holliday and you two will run into each other soon,

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You drive Waverly's jeep to get her from work at shorty's bar, your baby is in the shop getting some work done on it, so you and Waverly are Sharing her Jeep for a couple days. Wynonna called and let you know this morning she is almost home she should be home by the morning. You walk in shorty's bar to get Waverly and see you someone who sends cold down your spine it's Bobo Del Rey and some low life scum, as you go over and hug shorty then get Waverly only to be cornered outside by the low life scum, as Doc Holliday shows up and help you and Waverly. Introducing himself as John Henry as you scent him as Freaking Doc Holliday the real one, but you need proof so you invite him out to the homestead tomorrow morning for breakfast and he has to pass a test, only the real Doc Holliday could do, greatest gunslinger ever. So you and Waverly head home to the homestead, while Holliday goes and finds a room above shorty's for the night. Waverly has class in the morning she is finishing up her major in college she has a few more weeks then she will be a college graduate, you so proud of the Angel baby she has never let the family curse bring her down she is the only Warp to graduate from college, Gus is your aunt by your mom and she has been watching over you two for a long time with her husband Curtis the one who died and we have his funeral in three days time.

You two arrive back at the homestead and turn in for the night, Wynonna is on her way home and you scent her when she gets across the boarder in Purgatory, Doc Holliday sleeps until he feels you wake up a cross town on the homestead when Wynonna arrives home. You got a job at the station a couple years ago now you feel like working there is going to help with the process of getting rid of the revenants in Purgatory.

To be continued in a couple days

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