Chapter Forty-Five

Start from the beginning

He heard Ayaansh speaking gibberish on the other end and it made him chuckle. Rohit palmed his face as one of the employee fainted and he gestured to take her away.

That's what happens when the cold, emotionless boss starts smiling and laughing in one day all of a sudden.

Ayaansh put away the phone after a few minutes and crawled away, leaving his mother to finish up the call. Srishti eyed the phone and wondered if he had already hung up but when she picked it up, she realised he was still on the line.

"Uh Sahil, he's playing." She gave him the hint, waiting for him to hang up.

"I know." Was all he said before both grew silent. Srishti was growing uncomfortable but she also didn't want to seem rude by hanging up first.


"I'll be home early today." He informed her and finally hung up leaving her dumbfounded.

She blinked her eyes and then stared at the screen in a dazed state. What was that? Why did he tell her that? He's never informed about getting early or late before. Then why now?

She exhaled shakily and closed her eyes trying to calm her pounding heart. Something was definitely wrong with her heart.


Zevah glanced at her husband who was seemed quite busy in his laptop. It had been two weeks since they were married and she was still staying in the orphanage.

She needed some time for herself and also she couldn't just leave the kids with someone who had just been appointed there. It was not easy for her to trust just anyone.

Aditya was still patient with her and never forced her to move in with him and she was growing more and more fond of this man.

Their relationship wasn't yet officially announced to the whole world and it was again on her insistence. She feared media would create a ruckus and everything would go out of hand.

"Zevah," The shocked tone of her colleague made her look up and she found Zain staring at her with his mouth agape.

"Hey, Zain." She smiled nervously but he was still staring at her making her uncomfortable.

"You─you got married?" He stammered and she bit her lip. Why couldn't people just mind their own business.

"Yes." She forced the word out of her mouth and gave him a tight lipped smile.

"How? When? With whom?" The questions were fired at her and she felt irritated.

"That is none of your business, Zain." She gritted out and he shrugged in response.

"It was just shocking to see you suddenly married. Anyways congratulations." He said nonchalantly before walking away. Zevah curled her fists and clenched her jaw before closing her eyes.

A soft touch on her hand made her open her eyes and she looked up at Aditya who was staring at her intensely. She immediately looked around in panic and tried to take her hand away but he didn't budge.

"Come to my cabin." He ordered and left and she sighed helplessly.

As she entered his cabin, he locked the door from behind and walked towards her. She didn't object when he back hugged her because one, it felt nice and two, she was too tired to move.

"Why don't you allow me to tell everyone about our relationship?" He questioned looking at her and she sighed softly.

"It's hard. I don't want to ruin your reputation." She replied timidly and Aditya remained calm wanting her to finish.

"There are going to be rumours, Aditya. They'll think you married me out of pity or that I trapped you for money. I don't want any of that." She explained and he stepped back and turned her around.

"So you care about the world and not me?" One question was all and she felt as if a bucket of ice water was thrown on her.

"Zevah, rumours are going to be there even now when I'm talking to you in this cabin but its up to you whether you choose to ignore it or not. I'm not saying it is easy but we can start somewhere right?" He cupped her face and made her understand.

She nodded and he smiled before he leaned forward and kissed her forehead.

The moment was ruined when her phone rang and they pulled apart. She took a deep breath as she answered the call and kept it on speaker.

"Zevah! What the hell do you think you are doing? I told you that you're going to get married to this man on Friday and you didn't bother turning up or answering your phone. What the hell is this behaviour?" Her father's voice boomed and she winced.

"Abbu, I told you I won't get married to any person you or Ammi chooses for me." She stated firmly and looked at Aditya who smiled at her proudly.

"You're such an ungrateful brat! Wait till I find you and─"

"I suggest you not to threaten my wife, sir." Aditya cut in and the line went silent.

"Who was that?" Her father asked and she bit her lip in worry.

"My husband." She answered just as Aditya was going to and he looked at her surprised. She gave him a small smile before turning to look at the phone in her hand.

"Husband? HUSBAND? Are you fucking kidding me right now? How dare you get married without my permission, Zevah? Alright now. Wait and see what happens to that waste of an orphanage now. Just you wait." He was raging before he hung up and Zevah staggered as Aditya held her protectively in his arms.

"Nothing will happen to the orphanage, Zevah, I promise." Aditya assured her as she rested her head on his shoulder being tired and closed her eyes.

"I trust you." She whispered as Aditya smiled and pulled her closer.

To be continued...

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