Then the image of Trey pinning Ben came to mind, making me grin.

Actually, look at the both of us now.

"Anyway," I muttered, "it worked out for the better. Mostly. Maybe I'll get a little more insight after talking with my sister and Mr. Hardy."

Goose nodded, opening his mouth to respond when the relief teacher yelled from the front. "Ex-cuse me," she reprimanded from the front. "Are you really talking in the middle of my lesson? Be quiet, please."

"She finally learns to be loud," I muttered, maybe a little too loudly. The class breaks out in snickers, including Goose beside me.

"Is there something wrong with your ears?" she asked, crossing her arms. "I said be quiet."

The class erupted in a series of oohs and ahaha's. I just about choked on my spit and turned to Aubrey, who obviously hadn't heard what she just said. Taking immediate notice, he looked at me questioningly while Ikeisha and Trey looked less than impressed. "Bitch," I cursed in sign, pointing to the relief teacher.

Ikeisha tapped and signed something, nodding. I think it meant, 'agree'.

Aubrey just looked confused.

"What are you doing?" the teacher snapped. "Face the front."

This woman didn't look that much older than any of us. My bet was this was a side hustle while she studied or something. Apparently young people could do relief teaching with a minor qualification or training, but my other bet was that she wouldn't make it to a second call-in. Not if I could help it.

Deciding to screw with her further, I leaned forward and sighed loudly into my hand. The relief teacher and students all simultaneously turned to look at me, although their expressions differed considerably. They looked amused, she looked... less so. She leaned her weight on one hip and crossed her arms again.

"Are you off in your own world?" she asked, sounding like a stroppy cat. "What are you imagining there while I'm trying to teach your class?"

"A world where you get called in again," I said with a lazy smile, staring her deep in the eyes to the point where she started to look more uncomfortable than angry. "Bit too hard to imagine though. I'm done, I'm finished. Carry on, Miss."

This is what she got for making insensitive remarks about people's hearing. It was too irresponsible not to know that one of her temporary students was actually deaf. Plus, she was a twenty-odd year-old prude. It was nice to have some fun with her at the very least. Especially when she registered my insult and her lips pursed tight. Guess she didn't like her authority being challenged.


Her arm lifted straight as a plank as she pointed to the door, looking me straight in the eyes with embarrassment and contempt. "Out in the hall. Now. I'll make sure the Principal deals with you later."

"The Dean," I corrected her, standing up and feeling my pants pockets for my phone. It wasn't there, so I leaned down and pulled it from my bag, hiding it away before she could catch me with it. "The Dean takes care of these sorts of matters, so you'd be best taking it up with her."

There was no need to stall anymore, so I grinned and shrugged at my own statement while people around me snickered and whispered. I looked at Aubrey, who kept looking back and forth between me and Ikeisha while she translated our conversation.

"See you, handsome," I signed and wriggled my fingers at him, watching him narrow his eyes at me while he turned pinker than an udder. He looked away in a huff, making his usual delectably pouty expression.

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