Chapter 17

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A/N: Hi pretty readers! Sorry this chapter is unedited. Life has been stressful and I've spent three days on it without any development, making excuses after the next. I'll come back and edit when I have my shit in order. For now, thanks for reading and enjoy! <3 


"'hat 'o you hean I'h shushended?" I asked, permeating the room with a gasp.

Mum placed her hands on her hips, trying her darnedest to hold her composure. Considering the minor detail that her threshold was reasonably low when it came to me, she was doing pretty well. Without a doubt, I had my beaten-up face to thank for that.

We were in the hospital. Aubrey, his parents, the Hansen twins and their parents. They had a full fiasco going on in their room, but Mum managed to get out of work to visit me. I sat up on the bed, waiting to be seen by the doctor for over an hour and forty-five minutes ago. I could almost be sure that if I did have a concussion, I'd either be completely recovered by now or dead already. The stale hospital smell seemed to putrefy the longer I sat helplessly under Mum's bewilderment and scrutiny.

It was fortunate the door was closed otherwise the entire hospital would be able to hear us going at it, squawking like strangled turkeys or forlorn banshees. She made a daft sound and slumped down onto the visitor's chair, rubbing her face before looking at me incredulously.

"For God's sake, Charlie, are you daft?" she asked, knowing the answer full well already. "You attacked a student!"

"You shee what he did to 'e," I protested, pointing at my royally black and blue face with lips that could inspire the next Kylie Jenner challenge.

"But you attacked him!" Mum argued. "In front of a crowd! Teachers and the school counselor, to top it all off. My God, Charlie, what were you thinking?"

Never mind the fact that the nitwit well and truly deserved it. He hurt Aubrey, I hurt him. Clear and simple, as it should be. "Hut shushention?" I whined.

Knowing full well that my sook was every bit as childish as she and everybody else in my family saw me, I couldn't help it. I was about to be beaten up. He right hooked a deaf guy in the ear. He could have killed Aubrey Keats and the minute I lose my shit, suddenly I'm the bad guy? I whimpered. "That'sh too 'uch."

"There's nothing I can do about it, Charlie. You made your bed now lie in it. It's only for three days so you'll be fine."

"Th'ee daysh? But-" The aquarium day trip... "I 'ish out."

"Miss out on what?" Mum asked, not yet having been made aware of our change in schedule. I opened my mouth to answer, but she didn't give me a chance to answer. "Anyway, Aubrey's going to be off school on Doctor's orders, so I've organized with his mother for you to study together. She emphasized his need to catch up on English so that's what you'll be doing. Consider it punishment."

Three days with Aubrey? Punishment indeed.

"I hum'ly acce't hy hunish'ent," I said, withdrawing immediately. How was my luck this good that our Mum's even worked together? This was perfect. "I ha'e h'een 'ery h'ad."

Arms crossed, she raised her brow, looking at me with suspicion. "Is there something going on with that boy?" Mum asked.

"Whate'er do you 'ean?" I asked, unable to prevent my grin.

Mum mirrored my expression, exhaling through her nostrils in a botched attempt to hide a laugh. "Alright, alright," she conceded, face turning stern again. "But I do mean it, Charlie. You will study. None of your usual shenanigans, alright? Or the real punishment will be staying home alone."

Ratbags and Scallywags [bxb]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora