Chapter 10

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When Mum texted me Aubrey's address, informing me that both she and Mrs. Keats would get their later than she said, I ran so fast that I thought my legs would fall out. I sent the group chat a text saying I wouldn't be sticking around after school just as soon as Mr. Hardy let us out of Tutor Group. 

"Alright, that's that," he said, bringing his hands together in a clap. "We'll see you back here Monday first thing. Have a safe weekend, everybody."

Then as the bell rang, Liam stood from his desk and waved me down, but I had no time to chat. I yelled "Bye!" as I threw my bag over my shoulder, heading out the door before anybody else had the chance.

It was pouring outside, storm clouds already well overhead, but I didn't care. Aubrey's house was barely a ten-minute run, so I exerted all of my strength into a single sprint. Soon I reached his place, a fancy white home with a picket fence surrounding a patchy front lawn. The smell of its freshly cut grass carried in the wind and rain. It was clear that whoever did it had no experience with a mower.

Stumbling up the steps, I rapped on his front door in record timing. There was no reaction from inside, so I looked around and found the buzzer. After some moments of excessive knocking and buzzing, the door finally pulled open. There I met face to face with Aubrey Keats. His hair was messily tucked behind his ear in a way that I could see a small clear tube protruding from his ear. It was the first time I'd ever noticed it, although to be fair, it was the first time I'd ever looked.

We stared at each other for a few moments. He looked shocked while my mind reeled with second thoughts, questioning where I ever got the confidence to be here. I almost turned around to leave again when his eyes widened, and he went back inside, leaving the door in invitation. Closing my eyes for just a second, I took a deep breath and stepped inside.

Aubrey paused mid-power walk, then turned back to face me. He looked conflicted, but I didn't know why. We barely exchanged words as he grabbed a towel and put it around me. Since he pulled it straight from the hot water cupboard, I felt its warmth around my neck, seeping into my drenched clothes.

We went upstairs to his master bedroom. It was the size of two of mine.

I convinced him to let me shower when he offered me dry clothes. I'd never heard of a kid having an en suite before, so I was surprised when he led me inside. Mum and Dad wouldn't even let me look inside of theirs let alone use it. Going by the reasonable assumption that his parents would also have their own, I concluded that this family must be loaded.

Unlike my shower at home, this one had high-pressure water, getting significantly hotter than mine. Dad was strict with electricity, doing everything he could to minimize usage; including limiting hot water. Compared to that, this shower felt like heaven. I opened his body wash and gave it a whiff. It smelled nice. Really nice. I dumped a heap into my hand and got to cleaning up, enjoying the smell. Aubrey's smell, as it turned out.

The room was filled with steam when I stepped out. I sought out the window and opened it, taking in the sight and sound of pouring rain, before catching a quick glimpse at the back yard. Coming towards the house, I found Aubrey marching along the ground, slipping and sliding with every step.

I chuckled at the sight. He looked so determined, it was funny.

He stumbled, yelping as he slipped backward onto his bum. I cracked up at the sight, loving that startled look on his face. Never in my life would I have thought Aubrey might be this clumsy. I fit my face through the small window and called out, "Ha-ha!"

But he didn't respond.

He didn't appear to hear me, or even notice me up here. Instead, he rotated his ankle a few times, then tried to stand. Something silver gleamed in contrast to its darker surroundings, and I squinted to get a better view before his right hand accidentally covered it. He turned his head to look at it, then picked it up off the ground.

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