Chapter 23

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There wasn't a lot I could do in that situation, and now I found myself in this sort of pickle. Finding guys deliciously attractive from far away was one thing, while being up close and personal was completely another. As I looked down at my inflated pants crotch, I wondered what I was supposed to do with this.

Damn it, Aubrey Keats.

Mum would sure be proud.

Shuffling a little in front of the mirror, I tried to readjust and relocate the majority. Just a quick tuck. It helped a little, but probably not enough. Cold water was said to help these sorts of situations, so I switched on the tap and splashed my face several times. My face was buried in my hands when I vaguely heard someone enter the bathroom, then arms wrapped around my waist. fingers groping my torso and lowering to the front of my pants.

Seriously, this guy...

I came here to escape his sexy onslaught and now he came in here for a double whammy? Did he want me to get kicked out of the school for indecency?

"When did you get so bold?" I asked, trying to keep my tone light and playful so he wouldn't be offended. "We're in public and someone could come in-"

I paused and lifted my head, using my shoulder to wipe the water from my eyes. As I blinked the rest of it away, a clear image of a face materialized through the reflection in front of me. A skinny, slight head; noodle hair and black eyes became clear behind me. An icy, blank stare that didn't so much as blink once as he looked directly into my eyes. Hands roamed to the front of my crotch, settling down and circling slowly and carefully across the black material.

It was Jesse goddamn Atkinson. The Principal's perverted son.

He squeezed, feeling me up and down. His fingers moved all the way down and between my legs. The feeling of revulsion was enough to make me shrivel dryer than a raisin. I snapped. "Oi, what the hel-"

The sensation of teeth grazing and prickling the back of my neck made me squeal and try to pull away, but he held me steady. "Why're you wasting your time on a straight guy, huh? He isn't like us, y'know?"

Did I even know this guy?

How did he come to the open conclusion that I'm gay without ever speaking with me till now? And was he talking about Aubrey?

"I know you're gay," he taunted me in a low whisper. "So am I."

"Why does that concern me?" I asked, trying to pry his hands off.

Every movement I made to rid his rotten fingers from around me only made me more conscious of him being pressed against me. I gritted my teeth, feeling like medieval torture devices were set up inside me. "Damn it, get off me!"

His voice was low, pressing his lips close to my ear. "Don't waste your time on straight douche bags, Charlie, especially ones like Aubrey Keats. It's only a matter of time before he gets over this test trial and leaves you for a girl."

The feeling of his breath at the back of my neck made my stomach turn, and I was almost overcome with nausea. He was so gross and vile that I couldn't think straight. Just think of Aubrey, think of Aubrey. Pure hearted, gentle, kind, sweet, deliciously handsome Aubrey Keats. Poetry loving Aubrey.

My teeth and jaw were starting to ache, making me aware of how aggressively I'd been clenching and grinding them this entire time. I took a moment to breathe. I had to gather my thoughts, even just for a second. If I could do that, then I could somehow figure out how to get out of this situation with some level of diplomacy before it escalated any further.

I took a deep, bated breath and relaxed with a forced sigh.

"Look," I said, feeling the tension rush from my tired jaw like a shockwave. "Think what you want, but I've never worried about things like that. I like who I like. Aubrey Keats can like whoever he likes. Whether it's a man or a woman or anyone else has nothing to do with y-"

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