Hallotine's Night

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Through a dark garden of bleeding roses, you keep striving
But you feel alone in the nightmare you are surviving
You look for love throughout every trick and scare
You hope the one you find will treat you with care
Every star in the sky may twinkle like a ring's jewel,
But every twenty steps results in the groan of a ghoul
The haunting of the hallows continues to horrify you
After fleeing from fear, you stop at what you pursue
You take a good look at how I appeared right out of blue,
Unable to resist my fairly distanced call out to you
I have blood red highlights in hair that is chocolate brown
I speak in a tone as smooth as the silk of your black nightgown

A single rose consists of petals as orange as a pumpkin
I give it to you during the beginning of a lustful sin
You thank me sweetly as I take a hold of your hand
We embrace in our warmth in the coldness of the land
With the rose in your left hand and my hand in your right,
We sway slowly under the pearlescent moon's light
The church bell begins to ring a chilling chime
With a glowing gaze, I sense that now is the time
After I treat your bruised cheek with a moist and tender peck,
My frosted white fangs shimmer and sink into your neck
After a soft kiss that soothes the stinging of the bite,
You sense the same thirst under the full moon's light

Your eyes have gone from chocolate brown to rose red
They gleam after a tiny portion of your blood was shed
I gaze at the new pale tone of your skin
As you bare new fangs and feel the power within
Because of my daring and dreaded devotion to you,
Your nightmare gradually evolved into a dream come true
After falling under a noble vampire's spell,
You have gained a piece of Heaven in this Hell
You feel empowered as my hands remain on your hips
You then enlighten me with your bloodthirsty lips
Now we both do not fret and do not feel fear,
I will love you beyond our Hallotine's Night, my dear

Laura's Poetry Chronicles - Part 2Where stories live. Discover now