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Before the other half preyed on me out of the blue,
You were bored of me, but now, I am bored of you
In fact, I am more than bored as I am furious
Way back then, I was young, naive and curious
Now I know why I no longer hear a sweet song
The true cause of a chain reaction was you all along
You even went as far as to pose a threat
Seeing you as a hero, that's what I regret

You do not get to bare false words about a spectrum
That would only fill our flock with a virtueless venom
You told me to fight new life and reward me with that?
I don't feel the same about those times I look back at
The blue version rubbed salty slime into my isolated cut
There is no excuse for how she felt sick to her gut
Twisting the stories, you made me want to hit "Reset"
Seeing you as an idol, that's what I regret

Two brothers jumped a shark as if they would dodge the law,
Then mistreatment of some followers was the final straw
Not acting upon feedback proved your stubbornness and such
I know you will not like the truth being heard very much
Neither she or I will be under either half's control
After karma strikes like lighting, obey your parole
Young and innocent hearts will break and eyes will be wet
Seeing you as a close friend, that's what I regret

I am not mindless for turning away after noting flaws
One day, your behind shall be bitten by a followed law
I hope she is safe, finding a new hero out there
She deserves a real hero who actually cares
I should have thought twice and be careful what I wished
After knowing the truth, my mission is accomplished
For now on, I will see you as a fading silhouette
Being a loyal follower of you, that's what I regret

Laura's Poetry Chronicles - Part 2Where stories live. Discover now