Born Again Sailor

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Prejudice and hostility carried on for over a year

A young mermaid was shedding more than one tear

Sea demons demonised species that were a certain kind

The frightened mermaid's motivation gradually declined

She lost all hope after some missed opportunities to succeed

She swam away from undeserved blame at her own speed

Part of the targeted kind ever since she was three

Part of the "normal" crowd is what she hoped to be

Sailing across the sea, a captain steered and thought

On his ship, he sensed that someone was distraught

He vowed to find the sweet-spirited mermaid

And ensure that she did not need to be afraid

The captain lowered the anchor made of his heart's gold,

Unlike the selfish sea demons whose hearts were cold

The mermaid latched onto the anchor with a desperate plea,

Then the anchor was lifted, seemingly setting her free

The captain still saw the good in the mermaid's soul

As she explained how she could not score a new goal,

But he told her that she has already succeeded

During the times when her efforts were needed

The mermaid expressed her desire for a cure,

But the captain responded with a heart so pure

"You do not need to be cured, my dear

There is plenty of acceptance, aside from right here"

The mermaid was then gently lifted onto the decks

It was the thing to keep her mental health in check

The tender captain was genuinely gentlemanly to her

It was a miracle how an unexpected reunion would occur

A celestial aura spawned and coiled her tail

While she heard a bellow from a white whale

The mermaid watched in astonishment and froze,

Then realized she was wearing familiar clothes

The majestic tail she used to swim was now gone

She gained two familiar legs with feet to stand on

This was what she needed after being scapegoated and shamed

"Welcome back, sailor!" the dark-haired captain exclaimed

The captain continued during his adventurous trip,

"I would like you to not only be yourself on my ship,

But bring your kindness to other pirate ships too

Because other captains will value kindness from you."

After an emotional reunion on the captain's ship,

They decided to dine out before the rest of the trip

The ship remained halted under the glowing moonlight

The reunited allies found a place to eat at night

Outside of a small but splendid restaurant,

The pair declared a delicious dish they would want

Dark Hawaiian Pizza was their meal for the night

The born again sailor quietly took the first bite

The captain relished in the taste of his first slice

They two hearties deserved a great meal for being nice

As soon as they began to have a second slice,

They hoped that certain sea demons will pay the price

The sweet-voiced sailor made a simple and selfless request

When it came to kindness, she would do her best

She wanted to give the remaining pizza to a noble guy

Who was the pirate in a small boat who saw her cry

The captain agreed to save the box for her man

To him and his ally, it sounded like a lovely plan

The last two slices remained in a sturdy box

While some chicken nuggets were devoured by a fox

They felt like they had room for some dessert

Of course, a little sweet treat would not hurt

They both devoured a banana-flavoured macaroon,

Looking up at the heavenly sight of the moon

After several months of feeling she cannot enhance,

The born again sailor was given a second chance

From the captain she idolised for four years,

Thus she was smiling instead of shedding tears

The born again sailor relished in a wave of relief

Beyond the times of fear, uncertainty and grief

As she held the pizza box for her dearest boyfriend,

She was truly grateful for the captain's amend

As he stood tall with her on a dock of stone

The captain told her that she was not alone

At last, the sailor's significant other arrived

Relieved to finally make it after he strived

From his boat, he strode straight to the dock

As seven seagulls soared in the sky as a flock

Before the last slices of pizza would get cold,

The sailor gave the pirate the box to hold

She then explained to him about her second chance

To be part of the captain's crew in order to enhance

The pirate smiled before dining on the pizza slices,

Hoping that the sea demons have paid their prices

He thanked his girlfriend for the dark Hawaiian bliss

The lovers proceeded to share a passionate kiss

All three voyagers are part of a certain kind

And they were more than ready to leave tough times behind

Laura's Poetry Chronicles - Part 2Where stories live. Discover now