2. Condemnation of Memory (+)

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Damnatio Memoriae

After Asher regained her energy back from using her powers in the tunnels and they all made their way out, Chris had told her that he had brought something back from France with him. So, deciding that she was still mad at Scott for everything - despite him being killed right in front of her - she went with Chris to the run down motel he was lying low in. 

Once she had walked through the door an all too familiar black case had been set on a small dining table along with a black leather jacket that was draped over it. She hadn't smelt Allison's scent in such a long time but as soon as it wafted through her nostrils she instantly recognised it. Her brows knotted together when Chris stepped beside the table and placed his hand on the jacket and case. Then the realisation hit her.

"Is that what I think it is?" She asked and stepped forwards slightly.

In response, Chris took the jacket off of the case and placed it down next to it before unlocking the clips. Not being able to see what was inside Asher stepped forwards so she was standing over the case. The frown disappeared and her mouth was agape when the bow Allison had used to kill the Oni was laid right in front of her along with a quiver filled with arrows. She felt the tears prick her eyes and her throat become dry, the memory of the Oni's sword piercing through Allison's chest reeling in her head on repeat.

"I know what you're thinking, Asher," Chris began. "But whatever happened that night, I need you to know that Allison always wanted you to have this." Asher merely nodded her head in response. "She told me when she made the arrows. She said that if something happened to her that she wanted you to have it."

"I can't," she mumbled, shaking her head and gazing up to Chris. "I can't take it."

"You can, and you will," Chris said with certainty before lifting the jacket up. "She wanted you to have this as well."

Her eyes closed and a hand was placed on her shoulder. She reopened her eyes and quickly gathered that Chris was the one with his hand on her shoulder. 

"I don't know, Chris," she sighed. "I knew she always wanted to give the bow to someone but I kinda thought she'd give it to Scott."

"Would Scott actually use it, though?" Once again Asher's brows furrowed in confusion. "Look, she didn't want it to just put in storage. She wanted you to have it so that you could use it, and she knew that Beacon Hill's was always going to be endanger from the supernatural so she knew to give it you." Asher opened to mouth to speak but Chris cut her off. "And I know that you have your Were-Voyant powers and whatever, but trust me when I say that I've seen some Were-wolves come off with worse wounds from Hunter weapons than wounds from their own kind."

A stifled laugh fell from her lips and a sad smile was plastered on her face.

"Okay, then," she finally agreed.

Chris smiled in response, then grabbed the case from the table and placed on the ground in front of Asher. He then placed the jacket in her arms but as soon as Asher had a grip on it she swung it over her shoulders and put her arms through it.

"What did your family say about giving Alli's bow to a Hybrid?" Asher then asked with raised brows.

"Well, I didn't exactly tell them I was giving it to anyone," he answered and Asher winced.

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