Chapter 6

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3rd person POV (Virgil), present day

TW: anxiety, nightmare mention, death mention, blood mention, self hate. (It's all in the first paragraph. Tell me if I missed any)

Virgil woke up at 5am, breathing heavily. He'd had another nightmare - the usual, reliving his mother's death when he was five, seeing his sister and dad's mauled bodies, his shit of a foster dad throwing a beer bottle at his head. And last, him bleeding again, so much blood, so. much. blood.

That was what caused him to wake with a start, frantically checking his arm. It was ok, no more blood, there wouldn't be blood again. It was in the past- he was ok now. He was ok.

Virgil took in another shaky breath, pulling down the sleeves of his hoodie and pulling his legs up to his chest.

His hoodie was black, with a hole in the shoulder. He'd patched it up with a purple tartan fabric, and he'd liked the look so much he added several patterns, using cross titches to attach them firmly. He mostly did it when he was stressed, adding them over time, but also when he was bored. Now the hoodie was just comforting, a small bit of stability in his life.

No matter how hard he tried Virgil knew he wouldn't be able to sleep again, so he decided to unpack his trunk while he waited for the others to wake up.

He took his time, folding all his clothes neatly and putting his makeup bag in the bathroom cabinet.

But by the time all that was done it was only 7 and the others were still fast asleep.He got out his sketchbook and sat back on his bed, grabbing a charcoal pencil and his moldable eraser. He looked over at the sunglasses sitting on Remy's trunk and started sketching them, drawing the shadows under the glasses, the way the light from their underwater window reflected of the lenses, adding more depth.

By the time it was done it was a very impressive replica, down to the brand label roughly drawn on the side. But to Virgil it looked shit. Just like all his attempts at drawing.

He started rubbing out the drawing but at that moment Remy stirred, rolling over with a yawn. He gave a quick two-fingered salute to Virgil and the emo saw the others eyes for the first time - startlingly bright green eyes, flecked with brown.

Although Virgil didn't get to see them for two long, because the first thing Remy did when he woke up was slip on his shades and pull a leather jacket over his pj pants and tank top combo.Remy turned on his iphone 6 next to his bed, which Virgil was pretty sure wasn't allowed, and checked the time. 7:56.

"3 hours of sleep. Sick." he said with a grin, before running a hand through hair and walking over to the fridge, flipping on the kettle as he did.

Remy pulled open the fridge and Virgil blinked in shock. It was just filled with iced coffee, double shot, triple, normal, caramel - any type you can imagine, it was there. Remy grabbed a double shot and chugged half of it in a second, before turning back to Virgil. "Want one? Or a cup, I'll make a pot." he asked, finishing the iced coffee.

Virgil blinked. Remy had only just finished one iced coffee, and he was also making a pot? He had a problem.

"You definitely don't have a problem, Remy." came Dee's voice from behind Virgil. The purple haired Slytherin whirled around and spotted Janus, somehow already in his Hogwarts robes, yellow gloves switched out with black ones.

Remy flipped him off. "Oh, and if you couldn't tell Dee is a compulsive liar. Its confusing af, but you'll get used to it."

"Oh- ok." Virgil said with a nod, wincing at the hesitation between. At least he hadn't stuttered this time.

"So, coffee or not?"

Virgil smiled timidly, still warming up to his new roommates. "Um- yes, please."

"Kk. Milk?" he asked, pouring a pot as Virgil nodded. Remy made the two coffee's, his black and handed the other to Virgil. "Dee, what do we have today?"

"Potions up first." their third dormmate replied. Remy scoffed in annoyance.

"Can't we just bail?" he pleaded, but was met with a glare.

"Yes, Remy. You know we never go to potions. It's my least favourite subject."

Remy rolled his eyes beneath the shades, pouring the scalding coffee down his throat. "Fine. You suck."

Remy changed into his uniform, leaving the robe behind and just wearing the shirt and pants. He let the tie hang around his neck without tying it and quickly brushed his hair, before mussing it up again so it was to his tastes.

Virgil however did wear his robe, pulling up the hood over his face before going in to put on his makeup.

Dee obviously didn't like makeup much, only wearing the concealer to hide - whatever he was covering up - on one side of his face, whereas Virgil did his normal 'emo makeup', dark mascara, pale foundation and black eyeshadow under his eyes.

Remy didn't wear any, but slid a pair of diamante studs into his pieced ears.

The three set out to breakfast, Virgil keeping his head down and following the others, picking slightly at his food and listening to Dee and Remy talk.

Then they went back to the dungeons for Professor Snape's Potions class. Virgil had always been decent at potions, but it was pretty boring. He normally just dozed off when he was in America.

He sat next to Remy and a Ravenclaw, Dee on the other side of Remy. 

The Ravenclaw had Dark hair and skin, and grey eyes, like a stormcloud. He had thick rimmed glasses and wore his uniform meticulously neat. He looked like a grade-A nerd. 

When the teacher walked in Virgil stopped talking to Remy and lay his head on the desk, closing his eyes and letting himself drift into a half awake, half asleep abyss.

Eventually he looked up at the shuffling of chairs and saw everyone standing and splitting into tables to make whatever potion it was - Virgil hadn't really listened. 

Remy and Dee were together, so that left Virgil with the Ravenclaw. He moved over to their cauldren awkwardly, dreading talking to someone he didn't know.

"Erm, h-hi, I'm Virgil. Uh- what exactly are we doing? I kinda z - zoned out." 

His peer gave a small sigh before flashing a fake, mechanical smile. "I'm Logan. We're brewing a pepperup potion. You can continue 'zoning out', I can complete the task." he said, obviously used to people letting him do all the work. Virgil supposed his 'nerd' prediction was correct. 

"N-no, sorry, I-I can help." Virgil replied quickly. "U-unless y-you don't w-want me to." 

Logan gave another small smile, this one somewhat genuine. Although he did it more out of dictating it an appropriate response than emotion. "Some help would be... a pleasant change."

So the two worked on their potion, occasionally talking, but neither of them were particularly chatty and enjoyed the silence. They finished their potion second, after Dee, (Remy just chatted), but Virgil refused to try some saying he didn't want to waste his energy on feeling 'needlessly happy'.

Logan let him know it wouldn't take any effort, it was magic, but Virgil shut him up with a pointed glare. 

Snape let them out as soon as they finished so Virgil headed back over to Remy and Dee.

"Hey Virge! How was potions with the nerd?" Remy asked, grinning from behind his shades. 

Virgil awkwardly held his arm behind his back. "O-Oh, it was g-good." he cursed again at his stutter. 

 "Great. Now we've got lunch. And they don't even serve coffee, so if you need some just make one up in the dorm." 

Virgil just nodded and headed up to lunch with his dormmates, Logan walking in front.

word count: 1332

Also I don't remember if I said this but if at any chapter one of the warnings is a trigger, let me know and I'll write a summary for you =)

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 08, 2020 ⏰

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