Chapter 3

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*10 years later*

Scott is woken up to the sound of his phone alarm going off, and Scott automatically groans in dismay, wishing for even just a few more minutes of sleep. After another couple of seconds trying to force himself awake, Scott rolls over in his bed and reaches out to his nightstand and grabs his phone, and turns his alarm off, and Scott flops back down onto his bed, happy to have silence surrounding him instead of that annoying buzz of the alarm. He closes his eyes for a few moments, savouring the comfiness of his bed, wishing he could stay here all day instead of going to school.

"There's only one semester left," Scott reminds himself, and then forces himself to sit up and slowly get out of bed, yawning and stretching as he does so.

Scott potters around his room, getting ready for another school day, that he really hopes won't be filled with supernatural threats. Even though Jackson and Theo are somewhat allies to the pack now, Scott still very much distrusts them, particularly Theo. The guy almost destroyed Scott's pack, and tried to get Liam to kill him, and when that failed, Theo tried to kill Scott and take his true alpha powers for himself. Those things you can never really forget, or truly forgive, in Scott's opinion. Unless you're the most perfect of people, which Scott knows that he isn't.

"Scott! I'm going to work now, and I won't be home until 10 tonight! I'll leave you some money to get some dinner for yourself on the fridge. Have a good day at school, study hard!" Scott hears his mother, Melissa, call out from downstairs as he is pulling on a red t-shirt.

"Thanks, Mum! I love you!" Scott yells out in response.

"Love you too, sweetheart! See you tonight!" Melissa responds, and then Scott hears the front door open and shut, leaving Scott as the only one in the house, as it usually is most mornings. Scott quickly finishes getting dressed, stuffs all of his books into his bag, walks down stairs and goes about preparing his breakfast.

As Scott takes out a bowl for his cereal, he decides to turn the radio on and listen to some music as he eats his breakfast, to break up the silence. He tunes the radio to his favourite station, where they are talking about the weather, and Scott goes back to making his bowl of cereal.

Once he's all set, Scott grabs a spoon and sits down on a stool at the kitchen bench and begins eating his cereal, enjoying his time to himself, before school and before any potential supernatural chaos that may come his way. How trouble always seems to find Scott, he has no idea.

Scott can't even remember why he wanted to go out into the woods to find a dead body where this all started in the first place. There are definitely days when he wishes Peter could have bitten someone else, but at the same time, Scott realises even with all the bad, there has been a lot of good. He's met the best friends he could ever ask for, and he can help save lives. Despite the days where Scott is feeling down about everything, and hating that huge responsibilities have been thrust upon him, Scott still wouldn't have it any other way. He wouldn't change anything if he could go back in time.

As he's taking one of his last bites of his cereal, a song finally begins playing on the radio, and it makes Scott freeze in his tracks, recognising the song instantly. Why oh why did they have to play that song? 'Beautiful' by Christina Aguilera was his Abuela's favourite song, and she used to sing it all the time. It didn't matter where, it could be on a drive down to the beach, baking cookies, whatever. It was her song, and hearing it playing on the radio brings up all of Scott's memories of his Abuela, and remembering how devastated he was when she passed away when he was 11. Her death was also the reason that Scott and his mum moved to Beacon Hills. Scott never even got to say a proper goodbye to his Abuela.

Tears start welling up in Scott's eyes, his heart feeling like it's starting to crack open once more. Scott still misses his Abuela dearly, she was the one that would always come and cheer him up while his parents were fighting. During his parents' divorce, Scott spent many nights at Abuela Lucrecia's house. And somehow, Scott thinks she would have found out he was a werewolf before he knew, and that she would try to help him in any way that he could. Scott just wishes he could have one more conversation with her, and tell her that she was right about there being more things in this world than either of them knew.

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