Chapter 1

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A/N: Woah, I'm back from being dead on this site for a few years, coming to you with a new story 😂. This story is probably pretty meh, but I had a sudden inspiration to write it, so I hope you guys enjoy it! I'll try and update regularly, and maybe continue my other stories too :)


"So, now that your mother is gone, what do you want to do today, Scott?" Lucrecia Delgado asks her 7-year-old grandson, Scott McCall with a smile as she enters her living room after saying goodbye to her daughter, Scott's mother, at the front door.

Scott jumps off the sofa and bounds over to his grandmother with excitement lighting up his eyes, making Lucrecia's heart melt a little.

"Can we please go to the beach, Abuela? I love it when we go to the beach!" Scott pleads excitedly, almost jumping up and down with anticipation. Lucrecia chuckles at her grandson's eagerness and energy.

"Of course we can, that's a great idea, Scott. I have so many more stories I can tell you about the ocean that I'm sure you'll love. That, and I'll get us some ice cream for our walk along the beach." Lucrecia smiles.

"Yay! Thanks Abuela, I'll go and get my things!" Scott replies excitedly before rushing out of the living room and towards the bedroom that has basically been set up as Scott's bedroom, with a heap of his clothes in the cupboards and even a box of toys under the bed. Lucrecia chuckles once again as she watches the little boy run off to get ready.

"I hope he never grows tired of our trip to the beach tradition..." Lucrecia mumbles to herself. Going to the beach with Scott has been a thing that the two have done every time together since Scott was about three years old.

Whenever Melissa drops her son off at Lucrecia's house, the two always end up at the beach. In Santa Barbra, no other activity comes close to being as good as the beach, especially since Lucrecia isn't exactly made of money, she only barely just have enough to get by, but there isn't a place she'd rather be.

Melissa thinks all the beach trips are cute. Her husband, Rafael, however, thinks it's a bit of an obsession and isn't fond of Lucrecia telling Scott all sorts of fantastic stories about the sea. Lucrecia never pays any attention to Rafael though. She's never liked him, and doubts she ever will. His opinion means nothing to her. Lucrecia hopes that Scott doesn't turn out as close minded as his dad, but all she can really do is wait and see.

Lucrecia sighs and begins walking to her own room, gathering all of her belongings that she will need for a day trip to the beach. Thankfully, she packed a bag the night before, knowing full well Scott was coming over today, so grabbing her things doesn't take long at all.

A few minutes later, Scott comes rushing into Lucrecia's room with a white t-shirt on, black board shorts, red flip flops and black sunglasses and a black cap on, with a huge grin on his face.

"I'm ready!" Scott exclaims.

"Well then, what are we waiting for?" Lucrecia replies with a mischievous smile.


"Mm, I love chocolate ice cream!" Scott says happily as he takes another lick, and some of the ice cream ends up on his face, causing Lucrecia to chuckle fondly.

"I can see that." Lucrecia notes as they continue to walk along the beach towards their favourite spot while eating their ice creams.

"I prefer lemon though." Lucrecia adds, curious about Scott's reaction to the statement.

"No way, chocolate is always better! You can't beat chocolate!" Scott exclaims defiantly and confidently.

"Alright, I'll take your word for it," Lucrecia laughs, watching fondly as Scott continues to gobble down his ice cream. A few minutes later, they arrive at a rocky cove that is only probably big enough for two or three people. This has been the secret spot Lucrecia and Scott have been coming to for years, neither of them telling anyone else about it. Scott clambers up the rocks and jumps down onto the sandy inside of the cove, thankfully not losing his ice cream as he does so. Lucrecia has the sense to merely walk around the rocks, walking through the shallow water, enjoying the feel of the small waves crashing against her ankles. She walks over to Stiles and the two of them sit down on the small rocky ledge, and they continue to finish their ice creams.

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