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Taehyung clenched his fists against his own hair, anxiety taking over him. He quickly went to his room to calm down from his bare minimum interaction with Yoongi. He decided to take a nice long shower to put him at more ease. He spent quite a while thinking in the shower. Thinking of all of the things he's done wrong. About where he really went wrong in life or with Yoongi. After that, he got out and he kept his towel on his hair to let it dry. He sulked his way to Jimin's room quietly, his soft feet pressing into his house shoes harshly.

Jimin is the person that Taehyung goes to for help most of the time. For things like this, at least. He's not even sure what he's going to say to Jimin. He just needed to be near him. Just needs someone to really talk to.

When he opened the door to Jimin's room, "Jiminie.." Taehyung looked up at Jimin, who was sitting on his bed, and then he froze. His hand squeezed the doorknob a little too hard so his hand slipped off and it made a loud clicking noise. Jimin shushed him frantically, as if Taehyung weren't meant to be there.

Taehyung looked down at Jimin. Yoongi himself was laid half beside him and half on top of him. Jimin had one hand on Yoongi's lower back and his other hand playing messily through Yoongi's hair. And then Taehyung really looked at Yoongi. "Hyung?" He frowns. He watched as Yoongi's arms tightened around Jimin. Heard the small hum come from him. Yoongi must had been sleeping. Suddenly Taehyung didn't know how to act.

Jimin shushed him once again, glaring up at his best friend. It should have hurt Taehyung that his best friend was shooing him out of his room, but it hurt him more knowing that Jimin didn't want him to be near Yoongi. To wake him up. To talk to him or do anything with him. It hurt because he knew that's what Yoongi wanted, for Taehyung to go away and for him to not try and talk to him.

That's what Taehyung wanted at first.

Taehyung was supposed to ignore Yoongi. He was supposed to stay away from him and stop being as clingy as he had been before. Taehyung was supposed to stay away from Yoongi for both of their sake. But, reality hit in. It fucking hurts to do just that. It hurts to force himself away from his hyung.

He took one last glance at Yoongi curled up into Jimin's arms and he turned away from the sight before softly closing Jimin's door, making sure not to wake up Yoongi. He didn't want his little hyung to wake up because of him. Didn't want to make Yoongi uncomfortable. Not anymore. Taehyung sighed to himself, his own voice ringing in the back of his head.


He slowly made his way back to his own room. Taehyung was so used to going to ARMY for comfort, scrolling Weverse or Twitter and laughing with them. He just couldn't do that recently. Not when he's screwing himself over like this. Not if he has to pretend he's fine with what he's doing to himself.

He's an idiot.


"This is the easiest dancing I think I've ever done." Seokjin announced to the rest of the boys. It is true. Dynamite is an easier choreography. Taehyung just wishes that practice would be over, though. He's used to seeing Yoongi on his phone. Yoongi always plops down into a seat after practice is over. Always turns his phone on and starts scrolling away on it. But this time was different.

  Taehyung wanted nothing more than to go and talk to him. If there was a small bridge between him and Yoongi before, there is now a much more severely extended version of it. It was as if the bridge now had an unavoidable barrier, which caused Taehyung to stumble over himself and question everything he does whenever he's merely near Yoongi.

  Yeah. That's what it felt like.

  He didn't want to say anything when they were filming the music video for Dynamite, either. His thoughts that was scrambled with doubts and pain were pushed to the side momentarily specifically for ARMYs. Specifically to make this music video something that makes them happy. And if he had to push away his own problems just for the sake of it, then so be it.

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