Chapter 11: Framing The Innocent

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So why change plans? That makes no sense.

Then, a sudden memory from the past came to her - Black saying that she thought Orange was jealous of her spending time with Green.

... that might have something to do with it.

Red put himself back together, and turned to the door to go get the emergency button.

But that's when the lights went out.

Red must have lunged for Blue to grab her and keep her close for safety, because she felt him grab her arm suddenly and start pulling her along.

"We need to get to the emergency button - fast," he whispered.

Blue nodded as they walked quickly along, hoping that Green didn't have another kill in mind.

She didn't know whether or not he would dare to try and kill Red while she was around.

... Let's hope not.

They went through the hallway together, towards the cafeteria and the emergency button.

Thankfully, nothing happened, and Red was able to successfully hit the emergency button, which set off the blaring alarm.



Once the lights were fixed, everyone gathered around the center cafeteria table - most of them looked exhausted, due to being woken up in the middle of the night.

Green saw that standing next to Red and Blue was Black, who looked absolutely distraught. Talon was on Blue's shoulder, sleeping.

Purple and Pink were standing together at one side of the table, with Pink quietly making her own observations and Purple trying not to have a breakdown.

Brown, on the other hand, was next to Green, keeping to himself.

Green decided to look exhausted as well, in order to blend in well, but also while looking confused. "... Where's Orange?" He asked, knowing full well what the answer was.

He's dead.

"Orange... is dead," Red announced, to everyone's surprise and distress. Green reminded himself to look even more distressed, because he was Orange's roommate.

"Wh-what?" Green said, his voice wavering. "When did this happen??"

"Very recently - only a few minutes before we hit the button," Blue said.

She looked at him, pretending to be sympathetic.

We're both quite the actors, eh? He thought, amused.

"No... this can't be happening - he was so nice," Green said disbelievingly.

Red looked at him with actual sympathy. "I'm sorry, Green, I know you two were close-" HA- "but this did happen. It was done with a knife, and Orange was left in the security room after dying."

Pink jumped in, "how are we supposed to know that you and Blue aren't guilty, Red?"

"Well, we were both checking the systems for malfunctions, and neither of us went out of sight of the other. If one of us was the imposter, the other would be dead already, and judging from the two kills we've seen so far, there's only a single imposter."

... well, yes, but technically speaking - no, there are two of us.

Pink debated that in her head for a long moment, and then nodded. "That's true, because if there was more than one imposter, more of us would be dead - there'd be no sense in keeping us all alive."

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