6 - #dancingwithsipsandsjin

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Five minutes after they left their friends, Will and TJ got the best surprise of their lives.

"Oh, my gosh. Will, look."

"What are they doing? Are they... is that the new Xbox Bloodhound?"

"Partnering with Just Dance? Heck yeah. And I think that's..."

"Sips and Sjin! No way!"

"No, Will, we're Sips and Sjin." Will sent TJ a withering look.

"Come on, let's challenge them to a dance-off."

The two boys sped up their pace and made for the booth. Sjin, who was holding a large canvas bag and looking around, saw them. He nudged Sips, who turned from listening to the Xbox guy, and said something in Sips' ear. Sips looked startled and asked Sjin a question, to which Sjin shook his head. At this point, Will and TJ had arrived (at a far faster pace than necessary).

"Hey, have either of you seen Sips and Sjin of the Yogscast? We heard they were going to be here this year and we want to meet them." TJ pretended to pant and look around frantically. Will mimicked his actions.

"Yeah, we've been here for ages but we can't seem to find them." Will glanced up from his bent over position to see a bemused Sjin and a laughing Sips.

"Well, it looks like you've come to the right place. You're standing before the very pair!" Sips spread his arm and gestured to himself and Sjin. Will and TJ stood up and took on awed expressions.

"Wow, really? Oh my gosh, I can't believe it! How did we not see it before?" TJ gushed, shaking Will and pointing at their idols. Will nodded enthusiastically.

"Yeah, it's us. I hope you're kidding, considering the fact that you're dressed as us. Your costumes are awesome, by the way," Sjin smiled.

This time, the two teens actually looked excited. "Thanks! We're here with our group of friends and we're all dressed like you guys. I have a picture if you want to see?" TJ wrestled his phone out of his pocket without even looking for their answer.

The four men crowded around TJ's phone as he pulled up his photo gallery. He opened a folder called 'Cosplay Nerds' and clicked on the group picture.

"Here's all of us... And here are us individually." He swiped slowly through the photos, grinning wider each time the Yogs made a comment on one of their friend's outfits.

"Those costumes are awesome! Are you all here today?" Sjin asked, glancing at Sips meaningfully.

"Yeah, actually. We just got here about 20 minutes ago."

Will stopped any further conversation. "Now, we're challenging you two to a dance-off."


Half an hour later, the crowd around the Xbox booth began to disperse. The four dancers left the booth and moved to the wall, panting and laughing.

"You guys creamed us! Do you have a Bloodhound already or something?" Sips smiled admiringly at the boys.

Will grinned. "Nah. But Daniel - he's Duncan today - has an Xbox 360 and a Kinect, so we have lots of practice at Just Dance."

Sjin shook his head. "That's a bit cheaty. But we'll give it to you."

Will and TJ high fived.

"Hey, do you guys want some special merch? We're doing a giveaway today, and we'd like to give you the stuff. You guys seem like cool dudes. It can be your prize for winning, as well as bragging rights, of course." Sjin looked nervous but smiled at the wondering boys.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2018 ⏰

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