4 - #screwthenether

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Revised 4/6/18

Wow, it's really been forever, huh.

I'm really sorry, guys.

Anyways, heres a fun chapter


Daniel sighed and flicked his right-hand turn signal. They were almost there.

"Daniel..." Jordyn drew out. "Are we there yet?" She was on his left, in the passenger seat. She glared at Daniel, a bored look on her purple face.

Daniel resisted the urge to turn and glare at her. He shook his head.

"No. But we have about five more minutes, okay? If you want to complain, call and bug Carter."

"Fine," She huffed, slumping in her seat and looking out the window.

A minute later, a new song came on the radio, and the grumpy duo looked at each other. As the bass pressed on they smiled a bit, before Jordyn turned around to catch Will's, TJ's, and Ally's eyes. Will looked up from his phone and grinned.

The first words to "Moves Like Jagger" came, and the car's occupants sang the parody to overpower the real lyrics.

"It's deep underground, past the bedrock," Jordyn started. As she finished the line, she looked at Daniel mock-seductively and wiggled finger guns at him. He grinned and sang.

"But don't dig straight down, you'll regret that!" He continued, pointing back at Will with his thumb.

"And now you feel brave," Will bumped his shoulder into TJ.

"Equipt with your spade," TJ bumped Ally.

"To roam in these caves!" She finished, adding a little trill down on the end of 'caves.' TJ nudged her and grinned.

"Not looking for gold; this stuff's purple," Jordyn sang.

"'Or so I've been told, by some people," Daniel warbled, pointing at Carter's car in front of them, which held the Xephos and Honeydew cosplayers inside it.

"I'll mine a few bricks," Will sang, snapping his head to the left.

"Where the two of these mix," TJ said, holding up his hands one by one to the beat, then snapped his head to the left.

"With a couple of clicks," Ally sang, bobbing her head like a chicken for no reason.

"I'll be swinging my pick!" They all shouted.

"This is all the prep that I go through. Even if my tools are just make-do. Moving to the Nether, I'm moving to the Nether. I'm moving to the Nether! Ten blocks is the magical total, as that's enough to build up my portal. Moving to the Nether, I'm moving to the Nether. I'm moving to the Nether!" They all sang/shouted.

The girls paused, while the guys kept up singing in extra deep voices. "Welcome to Hell, weather's great here!"

"So pull up a chair, have a cold beer," Ally sang, making a face at the alcohol.

Daniel and Jordyn sang in two-part harmony for the next bit. "You can live by the sea, so happy you'll be, with your cobblestone tree."

"Oh!" They all shouted, then Ally picked it up.

"The neighbors aren't bright, they're delicious."

"We eat bacon all night; it's nutritious," Daniel sang in a ridiculous voice.

"Yeah, all of them squeal, from damage I deal, there's plenty to steal," TJ sang, dancing in his seat.

"Hack and slash!" Yelled Will.

"Gold nuggets?" Jordyn asked obnoxiously. "I'm rich!" She threw her hands in the air.

They all burst into song again. "Who cares if we're giving up sunlight? Glow stone's all we need to keep things bright, down here in the Nether. We love it in the Nether. You'll love it in the Nether! Don't expect to see any creepers. That's one of my favorite features, down here in the Nether. We love it in the Nether. You'll love it in the Nether!"

Will say next, in his smooth tenor voice. "You gotta know, you'll have to fight. Learn to play. There's mobs, but it's not night!" Ally picked up the harmony.

"A wood sword won't do it, they're gonna blast right through it. You got a potion? Use it!" They both squealed.

"So watch your back, I won't warn you twice. Fight the Ghast, ooh, make it cry. They shoot the ground around you, making holes to fall through. You know you're probably gon'to, and there you go!" All three in the backseat squealed out the last couple notes.

"In the lava again!" Everyone shouted.

"Feels like hell the things I've just been through. Won't believe a word when I tell you, know what? Screw the Nether! You know what? Screw the Nether! You know what? Screw the Nether! Can't believe I lost my new gear, too. Think I'd better come and rejoin you. Know what? Screw the Nether! You know what? Screw the Nether! You know what? Screw the Nether!"

They all looked over at Daniel, who was really good at Lewis' part at the end.

"That's it! I'm sick of this place. It sucks! It's too hot. lt never rains. I'm sweaty. All my clothes are dirty and filthy and on fire! I'm absolutely sick of this place. Augh. I mean- l- l miss nature; all the pigs and the cows and all that sheep and stuff. I- I didn't think I'd miss it but I do! Oh, my god! How sad! I wish, I wish l could just return to the normal world again," he paused, wiggling his eyebrows at Jordyn. "Bye," he snorted.

They all had a good laugh and then fell silent, catching their breath. Then Daniel's cell phone rang. He let the car pick it up on Blu tooth.

"Yello?" Daniel called.

Carter's voice boomed throughout the car from the amped bass.

"We're here."



now edited

I am so sorry guys

l have no good excuse other than school


((also ew, my writing style was gross a year ago, how did y'all like this?))

Love and a much needed sleep,

The5am1am <3

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