3 - #asmallproblem

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Revised 4/6/18

Yeah, so sorry about that.

I really did mean to type this last week or whatever, but I ended up having to do things and now I'm not doing things so imma type this now.

I really like this chappie so here goes ^.^

Also, I thought the way I wrote that looked pretty awesome, so very insignificant spoilers, but cool picture in return!


*yogscast pov* ((it is a fanfic, is it not?))

"Lewis, what do we do? We didn't plan for this."

Lewis ran his hands through his hair. They really needed to leave sooner than later, and now Duncan and his little experiment were getting in the way.

"I don't know. I don't know! I didn't think it would work, so I didn't plan this far ahead." He sighed. "I guess we'll have to call in the rest of the Yogs."

Duncan looked at Lewis warily. "Are you sure? I don't want everyone to get into this if they don't have to."

"I don't either. But it's our best shot. The more people we have brainstorming, the better."

Duncan nodded, reaching over for his PA com.

"Attention. Please report to the basement immediately."

Simon was quick to respond. "Everyone?"


**Ye Olde Time Skip**

When all the Yogs had made it to the lab and were seated, and a Skype message was set up for those who couldn't physically be there, Lewis called for attention.

"So... I'm not gonna beat around the bush here. You all... Well, no. There are these eggs. They have small creatures in them that have characteristics similar to some of your Minecraft characters. The ones that we know of right now are the Xephos, Lalna, and InTheLittleWood ones, but the other eleven are rapidly turning to a point that we can tell what they are."

He selected a softball sized light pink egg from the incubator behind him. They all watched as it faded into a bright red. Suddenly, accompanied by gasps, cracks appeared in its shell. A purple goop appeared to come out of it, but it was actually just coloring on the shell. The purple swirled around in cute, randomly connecting and disconnecting spirals all over the bright red shell.

"For example, NanoSounds," he said, slightly lifting the egg into the air as if to say, don't believe me? Now you do.

He took a deep breath, placing the egg back, and labeling it. They heard someone snickering.

Kirin Dave spoke up. ((He's a lovely guy, really, just needed someone unexpected to speak up. Love you all))

"Great special effects," he scoffed. "So you're saying that we're living in a strange twist of Pokémon now? What do you want us to do, eat them?" Lewis and Duncan sighed while the rest looked back at him in surprise.

"Lewis laughed too. But you gotta hear us out," Duncan pleaded.

Lewis nodded. "Duncan here came to me for all the Minecraft video footage of fourteen of you that we had. I, of course, gave it to him and then asked questions, but it was too late. He had already started the procedure. He fed all the codes of the videos into the eggs somehow, and now they represent some of our Minecraft characters. We accidentally mixed them up and don't know which ones are which anymore. So when they all 'come to' so to speak, we'll get them in order. But what we called you here for is much more important. What do we do with them?"

They immediately had answers. People started whispering to one another. Several hands went up, and Lewis sighed.

He looked at Kim first. "Yes?"

She put down her hand, feeling like she was in grade school again. "We could just keep them. But we can't have pets here, can we?" 

Lewis shook his head but looked thoughtful. "Would they count as animals, though?"

Duncan nodded. "Yeah. I made them from eggs, so they count."

Sips piped up. "Well, since they are animals, they're edible, right? So why don't we just eat them? Kirin wasn't too far off."

Duncan was already shaking his head. "No way, they're too far along. We could just kill them, but-"

"No," Trott said. The other sirs looked at him. "Well, they probably have feelings, since they're made from our personalities. It would be like killing un-hatched, sentient chicks." He looked around defiantly.

"Alright, Trott, we'll put that at the bottom of our list, ok?" Trott nodded to Duncan, settling back into his seat.

"Any other ideas?" Lewis asked.

"Could we just throw them in the trash and forget about them?" Ridge asked impatiently.

"I suppose. But what if they get out of hand and cause a disturbance? It's better to know where they are or where they aren't than to have them running rampant," Duncan stated, receiving nods and mumbles of affirmation.

"We could give them away," Rythian, who was there for the con, quietly suggested.

"To whom?" Lewis asked, exasperated. He opened his mouth as if to go on another rant, but Rythian stopped him.

"The fans."

The room was silent while everyone contemplated the idea.

"That could work... But how do we know who to give them to?

Rythian had another response.

"I have a feeling we will know. What is our plan?"


I'm sorry it's so short.

But I do like this chapter a lot.

And I know only a couple Yogs talked, but you will meet them better soon.

I've almost run out of prewritten chapters, though, which was a problem with one of my previous stories.

So it might be a bit till I can get another chapter up, but I've been feeling very creative so I'll get a lot written.


I'm really looking forward to the next chapter as well, it is another one of my favourites so far. (You'll find out why soon enough 7.7

So yeah. I'll get on that and I hope you enjoyed!

Also, I've been working on catching up on Cornerstone, and I'm on week four. Rythian role playing, though. I was sobbing xD

Love and a much needed shower,

~ The5am1am <3

P.S. I decided I like this font a lot to read and type in: Euphemia UCAS. Fantastic. Also sounds A11 related ^.^ also doesn't do bold and italics. also just noticed that some of the letters change when in italics or not...

I suggest landscape mode and switching to my font here.

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 - : ) ( *
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 - : ) ( *

So not in caps or symbols mode, but fascinating. Pretty cool font.


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