2 - #letsgo

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Revised 4/6/18

Woah, another update?

What is this madness?


'I need Bryan, Rae, and Steven.'

'Ya know, you coulda just said that you needed us because we're the only ones that can hear you,' Bryan sassed.

Carter rolled his eyes.

'It's too late now,' Rae said. 'Get over yourselves.'

Steven laughed. 'Another fight between to dynamic duo broken up by the great Rae Ann!'

Rae Ann snorted and walked away from the group.

'Where're you headed, Rae?' Carter asked, taking a small step in her direction.

'The loo. Now get out of my head.'


'I need Jordyn, Will, TJ, and Ally.'

"Daniel, you do not need to tell me that."

Daniel flushed. "I don't have the hang of it yet, sorry."

Marcus shrugged.

"Alright, you shouldn't hear me now."

Marcus nodded and was called to his group.

'Alright then. Come along, dearest, let's get a move-on,' Jordyn said, corralling the other four and pushing them towards the door. Her plans were foiled by Carter.

"Jordyn, what are you doing?" She whipped around, maintaining her corralling position, but backward.

"Uh... Just getting everyone to the car!" She grinned sheepishly.

"Really? Because it looks like you are kidnapping them or something."

Jordyn rolled her eyes. "It's all good, Carter. I'm just super excited to get to the con is all."

Carter smirked. "We all are. But we'd all like to leave at the same time, kay? So would you mind waiting?"

Jordyn frowned, but nodded and released her group from her clutches. "Fine."

-:-:- ALSO MEANWHILE -:-:-

'Alright then. I get the lot of you; Marcus, Ellie, Pat, and Xander,' Kevin stated, looking around at his group.

'C-cool. Hey, can you guys hear me?'

"Ohmigosh!" Ellie squealed.

'W-what? Is something wrong?' Patrick asked, a frantic look on his face.

Rae Ann chose that moment to walk out and widened her eyes at the scene around her. I leave for three minutes...

"Patrick! Your voice is so cute!" Ellie was freaking out and paused her 'dancing' to start a conversation with everyone.

'Guys, guys, listen to Pat's voice. It's so amazing! Patrick, tell the nice people your name, age, birthday, and how you're feeling.'

'Uh, I'm Patrick Nathan Jones, I'm 15, my birthday is April 16. I came out to have a good time and I'm honestly feeling so attacked right now.'

They took a good five minutes to freak out over his voice, and then Carter finally called order to the group.

"Hey!" The chatter in the room came to a halt. "It's about time to go now, so let's cut the chat and get a move on!"

The group cheered. They split up into their driving groups and made their ways to the cars.


Kinda a filler and on the short side, sorry >.<


I feel so dang productive.

I kinda wanna write the next chapter, but then it'll feel like I'm doing too much...

I think I'm gonna wait to post the next chapter for a little, but I'll type it now.

Actually, that's good because I'll be away next weekend so you'll get something on Friday and then woo!

Or should I wait for this one too?


See you guys then!

~The5am1am <3

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