-:- Character Files -:- Please Read -:-

46 2 0

11/29/14, 12/7/14, 12/29/14, 1/14/15


Sup, dudes.

I've got a pretty good amount of this written, but right now, I'm just gonna give you the character information.

This is just a brief bit on how I picture them. You can picture them however you want. Also, I describe their costumes later in the book, but you can picture those however, too.

I also included relationship stuff, so yeah.

I hope this makes at least a little sense.

So enjoy!


The story starts on June 29th.

[[each file will have this form:


Age | Birthday | Grade (The grade listed is the one they just finished. This is American grade levels, sorry. I think we are one number below the Brits, like, 9th for us is 10th for them.)

- height
- nationality | home country | accent
- image
- love interest

Good luck interpreting my rambling! I'll try to make it as literate as possible! >.<]]

Carter Joshua Mitchell

18 | February 27 | 12th

- 6'4"
- Latino | England | British
- shaggy dark brown hair; looks like Xephos (fan art) ((this will be a theme)) grew facial hair for the occasion
- shy IRL crush on Rae Ann; shown crush in cosplay

Rae Ann Leia Parker

18 | March 31st | 12th

- 5'6"
- Caucasian | American | Brit-American
- long blonde hair; looks like Llomadia (fan art)
- shy IRL crush on Carter; shown in cosplay

Bryan Fredrick Gordon

17 | July 7th | 12th

- 4'3"
- Caucasian | England | Brit-Scottish
- bright orange-red hair; looks like Honeydew (fan art) is not done growing [has a rare disease thing that makes him grow (height wise) very slowly]
- has a negligent crush on Jordyn, knows it will pass (and doesn't show it)

Daniel Orlando Jones ((totally coincidental last name. ;D I'm a terrible person...))

18 | October 20th | 12th

- 5'10"
- Caucasian | Wales | Welsh
- long-ish blonde hair; looks like Lalna (fan art, thinner version, cus it's my fav ^.^) even has a little goatee
- likes Jordyn IRL and cosplay (which makes Bryan a little jealous)

Jordyn India Whittaker

18 | May 4th | 12th

- 4'7"
- Chinese-Malaysian | China | mix, mostly Scottish
- long black hair; looks like Kim in earlier fan art, with purple arms and half-face for the occasion and always wears at least one red flower
- likes Daniel; shy IRL and cosplay

William (Will) Quincy Veritas

17 | August 31st | 11th

- 5'8"
- Caucasian | Germany | Brit-German
- soldier cut black hair, very pale due to inability to absorb many nutrients (but is kinda cool with it because it makes him look like Sips) grew stubble for the occasion
- has serious girlfriend IRL, jokingly flirts with TJ in cosplay

Thomas Jack (TJ) Youngler

17 | September 1st | 11th

- 6'2"
- Caucasian | Ireland | Brit-Irish
- shaggy brown hair, looks like Sjin in fan art, has a legit goatee and mustache
- dates Ally IRL and cosplay, jokingly flirts with Will in cosplay

Marcus Colin Undler

18 | January 18 | 12th
(It's his golden year, btw: he's 18 and his birthday is on the 18th)
- 6'0"
- Middle Eastern | Afghanistan | Swedish
- scruffy brunet with a dyed blonde streak, looks like Rythian fan art, often wears a long purple scarf, and inserts a metal strip and places it on his face in cosplay
- dates Ellie IRL, flirts in cosplay

Ellie Rachel Adomonick

17 | November 19 | 11th

- 5'5"
- Caucasian | Russia | Russian
- medium length redhead, looks like thinner Zoey fan art (I prefer it, but still love the rest ;) ) made a legit eyepiece, has/needs a legit robot arm
- dates Marcus IRL, flirts in cosplay ((I understand the real Zoey is lesbian, and I respect that - when the Yogs come in later, imagine them however - but for this story, the kids are all relatively straight. My mind might change in the future, but for now...))

Patrick Nathan Jones ((yes, you read that right; Jones. Daniel's bro. Best friends with the enemies. XD))

15 | April 16th | 9th

- 5'11"
- Caucasian | Wales | Welsh
- shaggy light brown hair, wears the exact same, interchangeable green hoodies all the time, mute (can hear, can't speak)
- single IRL and cosplay, brother of Daniel

Ally Marie Stanton

16 | December 18th | 10th

- 4'11"
- Caucasian | Finland | Brit-Finnish
- medium length, light blonde hair, looks like Minty fan art
- dates TJ IRL, flirts in cosplay

Steven Henry Edwards

16 | June 29th | 10th

- 5'9"
- Caucasian | Poland | British (with a hint of Polish)
- basically younger version of Turps (I'm too lazy to describe him)
- has serious girlfriend IRL

Kevin Lucas Spencer

18 | January 23rd | 12th

- 5'4"
- Caucasian | Canada | Brit-Canadian
- soldier cut, light blond hair, looks like InTheLittleWood fan art
- IRL girlfriend

Xander (can someone come up with a middle name for me?) Morocco

15 | March 21st | 9th

- 5'5"
- Caucasian | America | British
- shaggy dirty blond/strawberry blond hair, looks kinda like Sparkles*
- no girlfriend IRL (yet (; )


DISCLAIMER: I have absolutely nothing against African ethnicity-d peoples, or any other unmentioned minorities, (yes, I have a few things against [the ones that exist] stuck-up white pricks) but for the story, in my head, that is not how I imagine the characters. But you are oh-so welcome to imagine all of them however you want. Sometimes they will do or say things relative to their ethnicity or background, so be warned. Also, I don't imagine them all as Caucasians, so I didn't want you to assume I did when I didn't specify. So yeah! :3

I know, so original. -.-

But at least you get something!

And I'm finally done :X

That took way too long and was very boring, let me tell you.

Now I can finally write exciting stuff!!


K, gtg now!

Love you all,

- The5am1am <3

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