Chapter 31 - Tears

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The next couple of days went by in an angry haze for Riya. She couldn't believe Rahul was going away with Bree. No matter how many times he had told her that it was nothing but a work trip, she couldn't get the thought of Bree and him being there together out of her mind. Because of this she hadn't spoken much to Rahul until the night before as he packed to leave.

"Riya, If you need anything, anything at all please call me anytime. It'll only be for a week" he called out as he folded a shirt. She didn't reply. He walked out of his room and peered into her room. She was lying in bed facing the wall. He knew she wasn't asleep because it was only 7pm, so he walked in.

"Riya, I'm leaving early tomorrow and won't wake you. But if you need something please call me and I'll come home without delay."

She didn't reply so he turned to go back to his packing but then he heard a sniffle. Was she crying?

"Riya?" He slowly entered her room and walked around her bed. She quickly tried to turn away from him and hide her face.

"Rahul go away!" She said sitting up and wiping her tears

"Why are you crying?" He was genuinely concerned. He didn't want to leave her in a state like this.

"Nothing Rahul please go." She said looking away. She didn't need him to see her in this state nor did she want to tell him what was wrong.

"It's me leaving with Bree isn't it?" He asked trying to get it out of her. "You're so cute when you're jealous..." he joked trying to make her smile.

"Oh please don't flatter yourself!" She snapped. He was laughing when she was feeling so down!

"Riya, please talk to me. We can't be good parents to our baby if you won't communicate."

"What do you want to hear Rahul? Don't you understand how I'm feeling?"

"I know but she's just a colleague and nothing else will ever happen." He reassured her. She needed to hear this. She was too stubborn to admit her feelings and was clearly torturing herself.

"And what if she wants it?" She asked looking straight at him, her voice barely audible.

He looked into her beautiful eyes and was lost for a moment. She looked like an angel with the vulnerability of a baby right there. She looked defeated. He didn't like seeing her this way - she should never feel this bad especially because of him.

"Rahul?" She broke him out of his thoughts.

"Even if she wants to, I don't...I never will" he admitted.

"Why not? Her eyes searched his and he noticed the tiny tear drops hung off her lashes. God she was insanely beautiful and her hazel eyes hit him straight in the heart.

"Because I love someone else." He said unable to clarify any further. He hadn't expected this sentence to come out - what if she didn't love him? It didn't matter anymore...he loved her.

Her heart wrenched in jealousy. Who did he love? Was there another woman?

He edged closer to her and wiped her tears with his hands. "Please don't cry" he said gently stroking her cheek.

The next morning Rahul left early. Riya woke up to an empty apartment and she felt instantly alone. She missed him.

She checked her phone and instantly smiled seeing a good morning message from him. She quickly typed a reply.

Hope you're doing well. Come home soon.

She knew she sounded eager but she couldn't lie to herself anymore. The night before as she looked into his eyes, with his gentle hands brushing away her tears...she had decided to stop torturing herself. She needed to confess to him.

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