Chapter 7 - Success

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They had agreed that she would meet him at his place on Saturday around 7pm. He had sent her his address and she was glad that finally she could get this over and done with - no bonds formed after this. Before they both knew it, the week had flown by and Saturday dawned on them.

"I'll be late don't wait up" Riya told her dad as she left her house and got into her car. The drive toward the city was nerve wracking. She didn't know why and couldn't explain the strange feeling she felt at the pit of her stomach. She had never felt nervous before - she went in, got it done and had left without a care in the world. However, the last week Rahul and her had been chatting here and there - he seemed like a genuinely nice person. Although a little boring for her liking. However she knew better than to let herself get sucked in by a mans outward persona. They always shed that a couple of months into the relationship and revealed their true self. She wasn't holding her breath that Rahul would turn out to be different. Arriving at his apartment complex at 6.50, she parked in an empty lot out front.

Rahul was anxious, nervous and simultaneously nauseous. He hoped she would like his apartment and the meal he had prepared for their date. He wasn't the best chef however he knew how to make a decent meal. He mostly hoped that he wouldn't disappoint her tremendously on this second date. He sensed she was a little bored during their first date however during the week she had seemed interested when they chatted. She wouldn't be coming here tonight, if she wasn't interested - he told himself repeatedly. His doorbell chimes right at 7pm and his heart raced inside his chest. He tried to calm himself down as he opened the door. Wow! She was gorgeous. She smiled and stepped inside. The black, figure hugging dress she wore made his jaw drop. It outlined her perfectly round hips and caressed her firm breasts. He couldn't stop staring as she walked in and placed her handbag on his dining table.

"H-Hi" he stuttered. He looked at her face, her thickly lines eyes spoke something he couldn't quote ready. Her voluptuous pink lips begged to be kissed. Wow what was he thinking?! He hadn't felt these sort of feelings for awhile. They were overwhelming.

"Hi Rahul, how are you?" She said smiling. She noticed the way he looked at her and internally congratulated herself. This was what she was going for - an outfit and look that he couldn't resist.

"G-good and how about you? You look gorgeous, if you don't mind me saying so." He felt shy being so forward but he had to say it. He had to be more assertive in this day and age and he wanted her to like him.

"You're so sweet, thank you! I'm great. You have a really nice place here." She said look in around at his spacious living room and noticing the fancy paintings on the wall. She knew nothing about art but knew they would have been expensive.

"I bought it two years ago when I moved to the city to start my job. Would you like a small tour?" He asked noticing her peering at his art.

"Sure!" She said and followed him around as he showed her his book collection and various other things she didn't really have an interest in. He took her to the guest room and then his own. It was a tidy room with a queen bed - he liked his space it seemed. She decided to make her move here, before anything got in their way. As he was talking about the painting hanging above his bed, she slowly inched closer to his and wrapped her arms around his waist. He had not seen that coming and instinctively jumped away.

"What..." he began to say as he turned to face her.

"I thought we could have a bit of fun." She said, a glimmer in her eye. She looked extremely alluring and he had trouble keeping himself grounded.

"But..." he stammered as she drew closer again. She gently laid a kiss on his lips which took his breath away and stopped him mid speech. She was sweet and addictive like one of his fathers vintage wines. But he couldn't do this, on the second date? He pulled away from her kiss and walked a couple of steps toward the door.

"Don't you want me?" Her voice hinted some disappointment.

"I er, of course Uhm..." he stuttered furiously unable to string together anything coherent. His body however was betraying his desire for her and she noticed. She took this advantage and edged closer to him again, kissing him passionately, while undoing the buttons on his shirt. He couldn't fight her off anymore - why should he? She wanted him and he knew he wanted her too.

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