Chapter 21 - More emotions

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The first few months living at Rahul's apartment was pleasant for Riya. For the first time in a very long time, she felt wanted and heard. He showed her so much respect and also gave her space when she needed it.
Her morning sickness ended after the first trimester and she couldn't be more thankful. Rahul had been a true gentleman is taking care of her while she vomiting her stomach out - but she truly did not want him to see anymore of that. And she didn't want to feel that sick again.

"Riya we have the gender ultrasound appointment tomorrow, don't forget." Rahul said flopping down on the couch with the Washington Post. Work had been busy that day and he was thoroughly exhausted.

"Sure Rahul, I took the afternoon off." Riya said as she joined him on the couch. She had spent the day at work and then had met up with her friends. But she had left early because she felt way too fatigued.

"You seem tired, is everything okay?" He said putting the paper down look carefully at her.

"I'm fine thanks, how was your day?" She said without giving it much thought - she didn't want to bother him.

He knew she wasn't being honest. She didn't easily open up about her ailments. He knew that she pretended to be fine so that she wouldn't be a burden to him. He found that infuriating but also extremely cute. As he slowly got to know her, he found her personality quite attractive. She had little quirks about her that were endearing to him.

"Come on, tell me what's wrong?" He pushed a little.

"Nothing is wrong. It's just uhm, I don't know if I want to know the gender." She lied.

"Oh! That's not an issue. I know we haven't talked about it but it doesn't bother me if we don't know the gender. I just want the baby to be healthy." He said trying to comfort her. She still looked worried. There was something she wasn't telling him. "Is there something else worrying you? You can tell me anything, I can't help unless you tell me."

"I just...I miss home." She sighed feeling simultaneously stupid and overly emotional. She had never lived away from home for this long. It was hitting her that soon everything would be different. Seeing a small bump forming on her stomach was also daunting. She wanted her baby but it didn't make any less scary. She had even begun thinking about giving birth and that had scared her even more. She wished her mother was around to comfort her. To be there when she was in pain. She had no one to ask for advise from. Suddenly without any control tears started flowing from her eyes. She wiped them hurriedly feeling embarrassed.

"Oh Riya!" Rahul slid toward her and pulled her in to him. She rested her head on his chest and sighed. This felt right, she felt comfortable. She cried more and he just held her.

"Sorry" she said pulling away. "I don't know what came over me." She wiped her tears.

"Do you want to visit your father?" Rahul offered. "We can go and see him after the ultrasound tomorrow." He knew that she didn't want to go a lone and she had been avoiding her father for awhile now. The move had not been easy on him and even though he didn't make a huge fuss he had voiced his disapproval.

"I don't know if I can go back to that house without breaking down again." She knew seeing the photos of her mother hanging from the walls would instigate another tear tantrum.

"Why?" Rahul was confused.

"I miss her..."

Rahul stayed silent for a moment thinking. Her mother? Must be. Maybe a woman really needed her mother's support during this process? He had no idea.

"Where is she?" He asked. They had never touched on the topic of her mother before. He hadn't wanted to ask her, since she never brought her up. But now his curiosity got the better of him.

"Hmmm she's around the Hartsdale area." Riya said vaguely.

"What's she doing there?"

"We can go and see her, maybe after the ultrasound?" She asked evading his question.

"Sure, I would love to meet her."

"Also Rahul? Uhm I sort of am excited to know the gender."

He laughed seeing how cute she looked. "What would you like to have?"

"I don't mind. I would just love to start buying clothes and baby supplies." She said smiling and feeling lighter. Maybe a trip to see mother was just what she needed now.

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