"Aang, buddy, old pal, you do realize that you are cuddling with the Fire prince of the FIRE NATION! You know? The enemies? Sound familiar, he's tried to capture for years." Sokka emphasized truly becoming panicked. I wondered where Suki and the others were. 

"Yeah, I remember." I say, wondering when Zuko would wake up and explain better. "So if you'd just let me wake him up-" 

"No!" Katara whisper shouted. "Are you crazy! He'll attack us!" I hummed in recognition of her suggestion and sat up. Suddenly remembering that I was only wearing my top tunic and Zuko's boxers. Oh well. I looked over at Zuko. His arm slipped onto my lap. I sighed, and brushed his bangs off his scar. Sokka and Katara were motionless, staring at me both in fear and shock. Toph was chilling in the corner, sensing the scene with a smirk. 

I put Betee down on the other side of Zuko. Moving around the giant icicle still poised to pierce his head. I leant down and kissed Zuko's cheek. His nose wrinkled, and he mumbled half awake. 

"Not right now Aang, lemme sleep. We'll leave in a bit..." He trailed off, gripping my waist a bit tighter. Trying to pull me back down to the bed. I chuckled softly. He wasn't even acknowledging what he was doing, he'll probably be mortified when he realizes. 

"Zuko, we have company." I murmur. His eyes shot open, sitting up so quickly that I barely saw his movements. He grabbed me, pulled me into his chest and glared daggers at our 'company'. I felt his grip relax slightly when he realized who surrounded us. I absentmindedly picked up Betee, the lazy koala otter was stubbornly refusing to wake up. I wish I had her stamina. 

The others stared at him in mostly confusion, Katara looked mildly angry. "YOU! You son of a  bit-" the rest was muffled, when Zuko put his hands over my ears. Which I personally thought was overkill. 

"Language." He said almost scoldingly to Katara. I slapped his hands away, and he chuckled softly. I made myself more comfortable on his lap. 

"Hypocrite," I murmured good jokingly.

"Aang! Do you remember who he is?!" Katara said exasperatedly. Her icicle starting to melt back into her water carrier. 

I hummed and jokingly thought back. I'm pretty sure the only ones who though it was funny was me, Zuko, and Toph. "My date." I finally settled on. Making Katara make a sound like a distressed squawk. Causing Toph to laugh. Katara glared at her and she quickly shut up. 

"Your what!?" She demanded, Sokka himself seemed to holding back laughs. 

"My date." I repeated. 

"Your date to what?!" 

"The Halloween ball." I clarified. Toph let out a low whistle. We all turned our attention to her. 

"What? The Halloween ball is a BIG deal for wealthy people. People have to pull some serious strings to get in. My parents would've killed to go if they were allies to the Fire Nation." Toph said, sounding genuinely impressed. "I heard rumors that Azula wasn't even on the guest list this year. Something about her deciding that she'd rather plot to take down the northern water tribe." Toph said. 

"Where did you hear that?" Zuko's voice sounded hard. I glanced up at him uneasily. 

"Rumors travel fast, plus I heard that one of the countess claiming that she took her spot instead on the roster instead." Toph said shrugging like she heard about this stuff all the time. And apparently she did. 

"Who was the countess?" Zuko questioned further. 

"Erm, Lady Foburin, Fortuns, For- " 

"Lady Forcurn?" I interupted. Toph snapped her fingers. 

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Oct 21, 2020 ⏰

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