I Want To Suffocake Myself

Start from the beginning

"What did you say?" His eyes widened, but his question was unanswered as the table flipped from the weight of his stand. (Y/N) jumped back, unharmed from the broken table and following the boy around the corner. While he looked side to side, she followed the tree trunk to where Giorno rose, a smile sneaking its way onto her lips. Up was always the best escape, huh?

"I'll say this one last time. Don't even think about coming after me. I hate saying things twice when I shouldn't have to. It's useless to say things twice. I'm saying this for your own good, you shouldn't do things that are useless." Koichi didn't seem too fond of his answer, his stand attacking the tree only to reflect it back on him and tumble to the ground. Giorno smirked, granting one last message before he ran off. "I took something of yours, But by the damage you took, I can tell you were holding back on me. You're a good person."

"There's no doubt about it... Giorno Giovanna...Is a stand user!" He concluded, standing up. His attention shifted to his former company, a female with a black mask and one eye covered, taking out some money to pay for the damages. "You! Do you know that man?"

"Hm? Yea. Who's asking?" She raised her eyebrow, flicking the stack of money and handing it to the flabbergasted waiter. Koichi watched agape as she forked over the wad of money without a second glance. "Are you trying to fight with me? I won't go down easy, you know."

"N-No, I just! I need my passport back. He took all my luggage so now I have nothing." Koichi wilted. It hasn't been a day and he had already met a second stand user, even worse, possibly the second fight. Thankfully, it didn't seem to be that she wanted to fight either, relaxing her position and sighing.

"Sorry kid, that sucks big time. I can probably afford a little bit of charity though, is there anyone you can call? A friend? Family member? Get them to wire you some money?" She dug around for some extra change, she didn't use credit cards for the annoying fact that she didn't exist and couldn't open an account, but she managed somehow. To Koichi's relief, there was someone he could call. As he reached for the coins, she pulled away. "But first, I want an explanation. You should probably understand that attacking people with your stand isn't cool, especially in public. I get he stole your stuff, but you really jumped zero to one-hundred, man."

"I... I have to ask my friend if I can tell you, but if he disagrees then I can repay you the money!" He was determined to get that phonecall, the sooner he gets his stuff, the sooner he can go home.

"You really don't have to, this is just some loose change of mine. I'll wait over here, you go ahead and make the call." She waved him off, settling by the wall and checking her phone. A message from Giorno, 'We'll talk later.' She pressed her fingers against the keypad. 'Kk'. Is it cruel to respond with something so short? Maybe, but it wasn't like she just responded with k.

"Miss?" Koichi covered the receiver, calling her over and handing her the phone. "Jotaro asks to talk to you first."

"Yello?" She was pleasantly surprised when he began to speak. His voice was much... deeper than she expected. "I... I can't understand Japanese. Sir-"

He paused, starting over in Italian. The japanese accent was still very prominent, but she could deal. "Koichi says you lent him some money for this phone call, but you wanted an explanation."

"Yea. Stands usually mean business, and I want to know what you want with my friend." She did her best to act tougher, although her little voice crack didn't seem to help her case at all.

"It doesn't concern you."

"Well then I guess little Coochie here isn't getting the address of the dorm where Giorno lives."

"It's Koichi."

"Koichi. Sorry man." She stuck her tongue out and he just tried to ignore the fact his name was confused with a woman's nether regions. "Anyways, besides the point."

The man on the other end of the call, (Jotaro, was it?) went silent, and she could hear something shuffle and a chair creak as if he had leaned forward in his spot. "What are the chances this wire is tapped?"

"Pretty high, actually, but I wouldn't worry, I've been on that duty before and it is almost impossible to decipher anything. Talk low and you're guaranteed to be fine." Her voice lowered, Leaning against the phone box and twirling the cord in her fingers. "If you had a more secure phone line than a public phone then the chances are phenomenally low."

"I see. Hand the phone back to Koichi." She hummed, tossing it over to the shorter male, who fumbled it in his hands a few times before answering the older male.

"He says to give you the contact for the Speedwagon foundation, and you'll tell me how to find who I'm looking for?" He was a little skeptical, but still writing down the numbers on a spare piece of paper before he forgot. It was a rather long number...

"I don't break my promises. Does he want me to call like, now? Or later?" She pinched the papers in between her fingers and shoved it in her pocket and through the hole of her stand charm.

"Uh... He says to just register. He believes the more stand used they have, the better they'll be. Anyway, I'm supposed to tell you the reason I'm here." Koichi cleared his throat, taking out a small photo from his pocket. "I was sent to look for this man, apparently he's the son of someone very special, and I think it's the same man who you were sitting with? I was supposed to get a little bit of his DNA, but apparently it's too dangerous, so I just need my passport so I can go home."

"Yup. That's Haruno. He goes by Giorno here though. Don't know why you want him, but he's a good person, I'm sure you can see that. Anyways,  I'm not exactly sure which one, but Giogio lives in the dorms at the school on the other side of the city. That preppy one with the big league Foot ball team. Just ask anyone where the nearest school is and you'll no doubt be sent there. That's all I can say. Byebye, Kiddo! Goodluck!" She gave him a salute, off on her way to go meet up with everyone else, see if they got Mista to say anything.

"Wha- Uh, T-thank you!"

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