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A soft alarm chiming wakes you. The early morning sunlight filters through tinted glass. Looking around, you're momentarily confused, until...

Heart leaping into your throat...

I'm in Kylo's guest room!

You feel the dull throb in your skull reminding you of the several whiskeys you'd had last night. You roll out of bed with difficulty, heading to the refresher. You tie your hair back and splash water on your face. Attempting to locate where you'd flung your outfit from last night, you notice a stack of neatly folded clothes lying on the desk near the door. There's a note on top.

I guessed your size.

Help yourself to breakfast.

As soon as you're ready,

follow the path that leads from

the kitchen door.


His handwriting is neat with a heavy right-leaning slant. Setting the note aside you examine each piece of clothing as you dress. Simple supportive undergarments, a loosely fitted cream sleeveless base layer with trousers that fall to your knees, a brown wrap designed to cinch the base layer around your waist, and flexible leather shoes that fit perfectly. This is not the kind of thing you'd ever pictured yourself wearing but it is extremely comfortable. You suspect that the garments are designed for meditation and unobstructed movement. You notice your tattoos, barely visible through the cream fabric covering your thighs.

In the sleek sparse kitchen you locate a simple breakfast of plain wafer. You can't remember the last time you'd eaten breakfast let alone been awake this early. Not knowing when you might get another chance to eat, you finish the entire thing. After washing the wafer down with a glass of sparkling juice, you head out to find him.

The path is bathed in patchy light from the morning sun filtering through the dense forest. Birds chirp cheerfully in the canopy. After several minutes, you see an opening in the trees ahead. Stepping into the bright grassy clearing, you spot Kylo sitting cross-legged in amongst tall grass and wildflowers. He is dressed in a more masculine, darker, sleeved version of the same garb. His eyes are closed.

You feel vibrations in the atmosphere pulsing as you draw nearer to him. Too afraid to interrupt his meditation, you sit a few meters away and do your best imitation of his pose. You watch his chest rising and falling slowly and emulate his pattern of breathing.

You find yourself letting go of stress and distracted thoughts. Concentrating on each breath. The colors of the morning light dance behind your closed eyelids as your mind goes blank.

Time passes.

Eventually you feel yourself slipping back toward full consciousness. Peeking subtly with one eye, you see Kylo is still seated nearby. His eyes are open and he's staring at you. A chill runs through your body.

"Good Morning."

Uncrossing your legs, you stretch them out in front of you.


"Come sit across from me," he says, gesturing.

You do as you're told.

"Do you feel the energy?" He asks.

"Yes. I only feel it when I'm close to you though," you answer.

"I want you to try something for me."

He places his hands out in front of himself, palms up.

"Put your hands above mine but don't let them touch."

Cherchant (Kylo Ren x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now