1. Holding A Grudge (+)

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Out of the blue, the faint scent of blood wafted through her nostrils. Her brows and nose scrunched up at the stench, the smell of it making her want to gag. It reeked partly of death.

She went lift her top to see if it was her wounds bleeding even though they had almost fully healed, but when a frustrated shout and object falling came from next door she immediately knew who it was. Pressing the space bar to pause the movie she then pushed the duvet covers off of her and hopped out of bed, making her out of her room before entering Scott's.

Her knuckles connected with the door frame of the bathroom door which caught Scott's attention. The moment he saw Asher in his mirror he knew that she was going to start 'mumming' him, but when he turned around to face her Asher couldn't help but scrunch up her face in disgust. The wound on Scott's abdomen was bigger and deeper than she expected since the night it happened she had only seen it covered in blood in the dark. But then she noticed how much he was struggling to clean it.

Rolling her eyes she stepped forwards and took the cotton from the sink, then went through his cupboards and took out some antiseptic. She poured it on the cotton and glanced up at Scott before dabbing it on the wound. He instantly winced at the slightest touch and felt a wave of dizziness come over him but he gripped onto the sink to keep himself steady.

"Sorry," Asher murmured under her breath.

Sure, Asher was still highly pissed off with Scott after everything but when it came to him being her brother - her other half - she hated seeing him in pain and not healing.

The silence around them was almost defining, apart from the odd wince and 'sorry' that fell from their lips. Not long after Scott's wound had been cleaned and a plaster was covering the wound. She then looked over her handy medical work as she placed the strip of tape on the plaster, but sighed when blood almost instantly started seeping through.

"You should wrap a bandage around to stop it from bleeding so dam much," she spoke with a sigh while rolling her eyes.

"Yea," Scott mumbled as he strolled out of the bathroom and chucked on a top wincing as he brought it over his head.

"And you really should be taking it easy," she snapped slightly. Scott gazed up at her with his brows raised and she gazed down to the ground. "Sorry." As Scott placed his jacket over his shoulders and went to grab his helmet, Asher stopped him in her tracks when she stormed out of the bathroom and stood right in front of him. "Where do you think you're going?"

Scott sighed and tilted his head to the side before turning back to face Asher. "I'm gonna go to the hospital and check on Stilinski."

"Well, I'm coming as well," Asher demanded.

"Asher -"

"No, Scott. You do not get to tell where I can and can't go. I wanna get out of the house, so let me get changed and meet me down stairs."

Once again Scott sighed, but nodded his head in response. Asher then stormed out of his and back to hers, immediately doing to her draws and grabbing out a black long sleeve along with a pair of light blue denim jeans before heading to the shower to wash off the blood that she'd managed to get on herself.

Miraculously, it only took five minutes for Asher to shower and she was quickly changed with minimal make up to cover a few pimples. She then headed out of her bathroom, putting on some socks and chucking her Vans before grabbing her helmet and dawdling out of her room.

Scars and Demons [Teen Wolf] ²Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang