O. W. A . I.

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Iris runs her own store, so why can't her kids. Butch, Saffron, Scarlet, Jet and Russell (Rusty) run a small shop behind Cabin 14. They call is O.W.A.I or Outside World's Assorted Items. They got approval from Chiron and Mr. D to build the store, not knowing that the Iris cabin with the help from the Hermes cabin were smuggling items from beyond the border. Chiron and Mr. D thought that they were opening a stor that sold organic wheat and insects. Sometimes getting the supplies needed was difficult as they weren't allowed to have get products from the outside world without being seeen. One day while waiting for a new delivery, Saffron and a child of Hermes, Hunter were confronted by Chiron at the top of Half-Blood Hill. They knew they couldn't lie to him, but they tried.
"What's in the box?" Chiron asked.
"A new shipment." Saffron delclared.
"A shipment of what?" Chiron insisted. Chiron turned to look at Hunter. For a child of Hermes, Hunter could not lie to save his life.
"A shipment of new t-shirts," Saffron said steeping in front of Hunter and Chiron. "For both the camp sort and our new store because we've decided to make personalised tees."
"Oh really?" Chiron said pushing Saffron to the side. "And what do you think of the personalised t-shirts, Hunter?"
"I-I don't m-mind t-the idea." He sttuttered
. "I-I mean I do prefer  waiting at the border for import-" it was to late. Hunter had said to much.
The store closed the next day, and all the illegally imported foods and drinks were confiscated and placed in the attic not to be touched by anyone but Dionysus.

I'd written this story a long time ago, I haven't really added any parts on this book in a while, so I thought I would add it.

Pls vote!

Tess  ✌🏻

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 13, 2020 ⏰

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