11 - Short Stay

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hi again its late and i have no time to edit this but heres the next update! next chapter will be the last one!


Eric waited after setting Carter down into the drawer.


And then he waited some more. 


After a while of straining his ears, he could make out the faintest of voices. That is, until he heard them start to yell. His eyes went wide, not expecting that of all things, but Carter did say that Damien would be mad at him. He just didn't think that it would hurt so much to hear them fight. 


He continued to stand to the side, fidgeting with the hem of his shirt, not really sure what to do. If he left the room the movements might make Damien nervous again, but if he stayed, his lingering presence might also make him nervous. Plus, if Carter needed something then he wanted to be there to provide it. Idly he thought about how he was going to hear if they needed assistance if he wasn't spending the majority of his time in the same room as them, wondering if a desk bell would work or something.


Another short bit had passed before Eric even realized that the talking had stopped all together. It had been silent for a while now, and he knew it wasn't his place to butt into sibling fights, but he really wanted to know if things were okay.


"...Everything good in there?" He asked in the softest voice he could muster. 


Despite the softness, Damien had learned to be a light sleeper. He jolted awake at the unexpected voice, head darting first to the opening in the drawer, then to Carter's face. His heart instinctively raced a mile a minute, body immediately tensing up again, but Carter only smiled and placed a hand on his arm.


"It's okay," The blonde whispered, not breaking eye contact. "He just cares, like, a lot." He chuckled lightly. "Are you okay if I go answer him?"


Damien stared dead ahead again at the hole in the top half of the drawer, then back at Carter. But his little brother's worried expression was enough to make him crack. Damien knew he wanted to go do this, and has been breaking borrower code since day one of being caught. He likely wouldn't stop breaking it now.


"I don't agree with it," Damien huffed, annoyed to have been woken out of his short-lived sleep. "But I won't stop you." 


Carter's smile returned in full force, and he moved to stand up. It was a little difficult to walk across the blanketed bottom of the drawer, but he'd made it to the edge before long. Eric was waiting patiently there for him to the side, just out of their view from the back of the drawer. The borrower bit his lip for a second, wondering how much of their conversation the human had heard.

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