chapter three

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caution tape! chapter three!

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caution tape! chapter three!

ALMOST A MONTH HAD PAST SINCE LAXUS STARTED WORKING FOR (Y/N) AT HER BOOKSTORE AND (Y/N) IS LOVING IT. She doesn't have to carry heavy ass boxes full of books she's read millions of times or deal with the annoying tourist that leaves their trash behind and whatnot. All in all, Laxus working for her has made her life a hell of a lot easier.

The clock above the register said that it was 3 o'clock, meaning the children and teens would be getting out from school. Meaning, they were about to be full of young children wanting fo hear stories and teens studying or just messing around.

"Hey Bolt." The blond hummed in acknowledgment as he swept the floor. "You deal with teens, I got toddlers."

"Deal." Sometimes, the two would switch of depending on however (Y/N) felt. Working with the teens was easiest as they mainly keep to themselves, the only time they were a bother was when the girls started gossiping or just annoyed them. While with the toddlers and young kids, all you needed to do was read them a story and they would pass out, of course, they brought up the trouble of having to wake them up or call the parents to get them because those kids couldn't just pass out on the floor when (Y/N) couldn't.

The bell above the door chimed and in came the kids, all ages and that alike, moving around to find a place to sit. (Y/N) stood up with a sigh, stretching as she moved past Laxus, patting him on the shoulder before moving to where the young children were.

Laxus moved to the counter with a sigh, plopping down on the stool by the register as he watched the children and teenagers trickle in group by group. He almost breathed a sigh of relief before the exact group of teenage girls entered, giggling to themselves as the glanced over at Laxus.

Half of the girls were convinced he and (Y/N) were dating while the other half had a huge crush on him. Both scenarios were annoying and he was tired of having to deal with them gossiping about he and (Y/N)'s relationship when there barely even was one.

"Sooo. . . Laxus," The group of giggling girls came up to the counter. "How are you and (Y/N)?"

Laxus only clicked his tongue in annoyance. "How many times do I have to tell you, we aren't dating."

"That means you're single then, right?" One girl asked hopefully and Laxus only rolled his eyes, picking up a random magazine from the stack (Y/N) had hidden under the counter.

He frowned when he realized it was sorcerer's weekly. On the cover was Mirajane. And when he opened it up to some random page he was met with Erza. Seems even after his excommunication, he still can't escape Fairy Tail and what he's done.

"Look, you made him mad!"

"Nice going, Shelly!"

"I-It wasn't my fault!" Laxus simply ignored the bickering school girls as he continued to stare at the magazine, memories of Fairy Tail coming back to him, making his lips quirk ever so slightly.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14 ⏰

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