chapter one

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caution tape! chapter one!

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caution tape! chapter one!

THE SUN WAS SHROUDED BY THE LIGHT GREY CLOUDS. It casted a gloomy light upon the (h/c) girl who sat with a book in her hands as she looked up at the sky through the window of her bookstore. A small huff of air left her as she slowly closed the book in her hands.

"It's going to rain." She muttered to herself quietly, before letting out a small sigh as she stood from where she was standing, stretching her arms above her head as they released a satisfying crack!

As she moved from behind the counter to grab the box of books from the back, the bell rang as the door opened, causing her to fill with excitement at the thought of a customer. With the box of books still in her hands, she moved to the front counter.


"(Y/N)! Come quick! There's a fight!" It was the sweet man who ran the bakery across the way. Watabi was his name. "Some strong mages are battling in the middle of time square! They're going to destroy everything!"

(Y/N) grabbed her apron and tossed it on the counter as she quickly left the shop, Watabi hot on her heels as they dashed to the heart of their town with irritation.

Seriously. Some stupid mages again?! And it's raining too! If I get sick I'm going to kill them.

A loud crack of lightening made the girl speed up as she finally made it to where the battle was. Zaps of lightening went off, (Y/N) could tell automatically it was a lightening mage. He was surrounded in a hue of yellow as he yelled in rage, fighting the man who used (from what (Y/N) could tell) illusion magic. The lightening mage seemed to be badly injured, cuts and bruises littering his exposed skin. She deadpanned.

The gap in magic strength is too large. What's up with that?

"Arachne: Web Prison*!" (Y/N) shouted and instantly the two men were trapped a cocoon of spider webs. She walked over to them watching as they struggled. "What's wrong with you idiots?! Don't you know this is a town with children and elderly?! I should beat you both senseless!"

"Watch out-" The blond yelled and before (Y/N) could react, a blast of magic sent the girl flying towards the fountain. The smoke cleared and three figures could be seen, two women and one man. The man scoffed.

"All that yelling only to be knocked out after one hit. Pitiful." He remarked, stepping over the rubble to make his way towards the lightning mage. "You aren't so tough now, are you Laxus?"

Laxus only growled as a response, still stuck in the (h/c) girls web prison.

"Hey." A voice pipped up and they all turned to look at the girl from before. Her clothes were ripped and torn as the rain beat down on them. "You better pay for a new outfit. These pants were expensive."

CAUTION TAPE ( L. DREYAR )Where stories live. Discover now