Chapter 3

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Are you nervous". Nathan looked around and sees a beautiful brunette woman in a light pink bridesmaid dress which made Nathan feel so special how he picked it out. Nathan replies by saying "hell yeah I'm nervous, but I'm excited because ever since we were teenagers we both knew I wanted to get married by the time I was at least 30. Kayden just stared at him as he started to cry and as he started to hug him. She oofed but let him stay there just to let him calm down. When she felt him calm down she calmly but roughly pushed him off( like a brother and sister would) and told him" boy you're going to ruin you a very expensive suit that probably cost a ton. Adam spoils you too much. Nathan just chuckled and said " your dress cost about 3/4 of my suit so don't talk" Kayden hawked at him like he was a movie star and playfully slapped him in the face and said " Nathan I told you not to splurge on me like that. And you said I can keep the dress too, I can't keep this dress" Nathan still being dramatic held his face and hit her back and started to laugh at there antics, they always were close friends and what just happened wasn't the first time or the last time

16 years ago 

Nathan was 14 years old. no biggie right. All the kids were at least growing at different rates and different parts too. Nathan just starting to get his deep voice but also starting to be depressed. Everyone thought of him as a weird quiet boy that sat outside to resist people but deep down it was more than. His parents were drunkies and smoke weed all the time and were not ever home,he always was home just watching TV and was  going out stealing food so he could eat. His parents weren't the worst parents in the world but their actions when they were drunk or high were not okay. His mother when not drunk or high would come up and hug him and give him a brown bag full of candy and personal care. And his dad would talk to him about girls or something like that. but those times were rare and he was left to fend  for himself. He could not handle it anymore and just wanted out. He started to space out in school, ditch classes, cry on his own time, etc. everyone saw but no one helped.

Kayden was in a rush going to her math class which she had a test that day. Kayden was on  the track team, knowing she can go faster than she's going she is just speed walking trying to avoid the test. She opens her locker and slams it back closed when she gets her cheat sheet. She walks to the water fountain, disgusted, she decides she will be dehydrated until she gets to lunch. Kayden hears a very low cry and starts to look around for it. She sees an administrator and ducks.When she sees that he's gone, she looks for the cry  again. She ends up in the boy's bathroom and her personality, which does not give a freak, she continues in. Kayden hears the crying stop and calls out " I know someone is in here, show yourself". Nathan freezes because first, he does not want anyone to know that he's crying but also does he hear a girl's voice? He jumps as he sees a girl's eyes staring right up at him from under the stall and audibly gasps and he wass I a  very hoarse voice" why are you in here" Kayden does not answer, she goes under the stall and grabs his arms and head toward the door. Nathan's head was rushing to different places and he pushes but Kayden pushes back harder and she looks out to see if anyone was looking and she dashed toward the janitor's closet with Nathan still attached to her.

Kayden tries to find a light but resorts to her phone and flashed a light toward them and she decides to go straightforward to the point and says " why were you crying in there, you are supposed to be in class". Nathan in the back of his head was like " were both supposed to be in class but we're in a JANITORS CLOSET". But looking into her eyes he decides to try to get out of the closet before they get caught  but Kayden grabs his ear making Nathan have flashbacks to his healthy mom when he was younger. He looked back and see the girl's eyes which he does not even know her name yet and starts to spill the beans. To his surprise, Kayden listens deeply with a head nod here and there and her eyebrows going up when she hears something completely upsetting. Kayden feeling sorry for him says this…………..

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