Meggy's Parents

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I found this idea on Reddit, and thought it was good, so decided to make it a story.

(We see the gang in the castle with Mr. Monitor looking at picture)

SMG4: Hey, Mr. Monitor, what are you looking at?

Mr. Monitor: A picture of my wife and kid.

(Mr. Monitor shows them the picture of them, which was a toaster and printer)

SMG4:..You have... a lovely family.

Mr. Monitor: I love my family. Hey, what about your guys' families?

SMG4: My parents are good.

Mario: Me and Luigi were dropped off on an island of Yoshi, so we don't really know our parents.

Fishy Boopkins: I just have my dad and brother.

Jubjub: Boopkins!

Saiko: I'm from a video game so I don't really have parents.

Rob: Steve made me.

Bob: WhAt'S a FaMiLy?

(Everyone awkwardly looked at Bob)

Saiko: That explains a bit.

Tari: Hey, Meggy, what about you?

Meggy: I only have my parents. But I haven't seen them in years.

Luigi: Really?

Meggy: Yeah. I'm estranged with them. I don't even think they know I'm the splatfest champion.

Belle: Wow.

Meggy: Yeah, it's sad. Anyway I got some errands to run. See ya later.

(Meggy leaves the castle)

Tari: It's sad that Meggy never seen her parents in years.

Mr. Monitor: Yeah.

Mario: OOH! What if we find Meggy's parents and surprise her with a visit from them!

Belle: That has to the one good idea you'll ever come up with in your entire life.

Mario: Thanks!

Luigi: Guys, shouldn't we ask Meggy about contacting her parents?

Mario: Luigi, Meggy hasn't seen her parents in years! If she hasn't seen them in years, she would do anything to see them.

Luigi: You're right. But how?

Mr. Monitor: I got it! I can search through the police data base, and try to find Meggy's parents!

SMG4: You're willing to do that?

Mr. Monitor: Anything for my partner!

(Mr. Monitor leaves the castle. Then it cuts to the next day with everyone except Meggy is hanging at the castle when Mr. Monitor burst through the castle door causing them to scream)

Mario: My hands are on the ground! Don't shoot! Don't shoot!

Mr. Monitor: I'm not here to bust crime. Remember yesterday, about Meggy's parents?

Mario: Oh yeah. Did you find them?

Mr. Monitor: Yes. Their names are Bruce and Jessica Spletzer. I already contacted them and told them a lot of things.

SMG4: What thing?

Mr. Monitor: Her moving to the Mushroom Kingdom, making new friends, and her winning Splatfest.

Tari: Do you know when they're coming?

Mr. Monitor: They're coming tomorrow. No specific time.

Luigi: Meggy's gonna be so happy to see her parents.

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