Super Backwards Bro 2

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This is based on Unknownartistml's drawing of go check it out. And some characters weren't shown, so I decided who's swap. Melony and Peach, Steve and Axol, Boopkins and Belle, Jubjub and Yoshi, Whimpu and Frankie, Rob and Daisy. I kinda ran out of People to swap.

(We start off with the gang doing what they "normally" do. Meggy is eating a ton of spaghetti, Luigi is playing Super Smash Each Other in the Ass brothers with Boopkins, Mario, and SMG4, Shroomy was making memes, Bob, Belle, Steve, Peach, Saiko, Luigi, Axol, Frankie, Daisy, and Yoshi were watching some anime)

Axol: I still don't really understand anime you guys.

Peach: Same. It just seems weird, in it's style and animation.

Steve: Oh, simple Axol and Peach, it can be easy to not understand, if you used to be a peach or a famer.

Axol/Peach: Fair enough.

Meggy: Nothing could ruin this day-

(Suddenly there was a crash through the ceiling, the smoke cleared to reveal...)

Gang: TOAD!?

Toad: Yes! It is I, Toad!

Belle: How?! You were stuck in the Internet Graveyard!?

Toad: I brought a dead game back from the dead! Do you know when Among us was released?

Tari: 2020?

Toad: NO! 2018! Now for my revenge!

(A claw shot out of the thing toad was riding on and it grabbed onto Shroomy, and flew away)

Saiko: Welp, goodbye, Shroomy.

Mario: Saiko! We can't let Toad take Shroomy! We have to recuse him!

Meggy: Oh! Do we have to!?

Luigi: Meggy! Shroomy's our friend! We can't let Toad hurt Shroomy!

Meggy: But, I don't wanna!

Tari: I'll buy you a month's worth of spaghetti if you go along with this.

Meggy: ...Let's-a go!

(They all ran out of the castle just as Princess Melony came out)


(Melony turns her head and spots SMG3) 


SMG3: I want to die!

(We cut to Shroomy stuck in a cage of Toad's new evil lair)

Shroomy: Where'd you get this evil lair?

Toad: Among Us became popular in late 2020, it's early 2021! I used some time making my master plan!

Shroomy: Which is?

Toad: Easy. I capture you, they make their way to my new hideout, try to rescue you, they die trying to get to you, I kill you, I win!

Shroomy: Yeah, right! They're gonna make it! Free me! Then we'll all kick your ass! And send you back to the Internet Graveyard!

Toad: I like to see them try.

(We then cut to the whole gang outside of Toad's new evil lair, that they arrived on something)

Meggy: We're here!

(They all got off what they were on to reveal a very tired Jubjub)

Meggy: Thanks, Jubjub, for letting us ride on you here-

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