Chapter 13

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An ear-splitting howl reverberated through Sam's bones as she laid her hands on the tall garage doors. The howl wrenched her heart from her chest, clawing at her soul, leaving her empty. Desperate and panicked. Her hands stilled, her elegant fingers trembling slightly as they leaned against the metal. Her mind wouldn't focus, terror and concern flooding her nerves, flooding her every thought. 

But the worst feeling came when the howl stopped. As silence descended in the tunnels, the claws that had been digging at her chest, tearing her breath from her lungs, finally found purchase. She felt as if her heart had been ripped out, leaving an empty cavity in its place. She could no longer feel it beating in her chest. She knew without a doubt that her heart had left her, and was with the man she loved. 

It took a couple of seconds before she was finally able to draw a breath, and could clear her mind from the fog of overwhelming emotion.

"AIDEN!!" The single word left her throat in a blood-curdling roar as she pushed the doors open with all her might. They swung inwards abruptly, the solid metal smashing onto the rock from the force of her actions. 

The sight in front of her made her pause momentarily. Aiden was hanging limp between two guards, metal mannacles wrapped tightly around his wrist, so tight that even from this distance Sam could spot the blood dripping to the ground from the cuts where they had torn through his skin.

Another growl reverberated through her chest, a deep, challenging growl.

Aiden's emerald eyes snapped up. He didn't flinch at the sight of her glowing crimson eyes as most people would have, instead a slight smile flickered across his face. His shoulders slumped again and he would have collapsed onto the floor if it hadn't been for the guards holding him up. Sam was surprised that the humans, their forms tiny against Aiden's bulk, were able to support his weight. As soon as the thought crossed her mind, she watched as Aiden was violently lowered the floor, the guards panting from the exertion.

Sam turned her attention to the group of guards that had gathered in the room. Most had their weapons drawn, a mixture of assault rifles, knives and handguns, all pointed straight at her. Yet despite their advantage in number and weapons, their posture gave away their fear as they took in the blood thirsty wolf in front of them. 

Canines gleaming, eyes dark, claws extended. Sam radiated power. Aggression rolled off her in waves, a dark hatred that could almost be smelt in the air. They had threatened her mate. Had attacked her mate. The possiveness she felt was new, and only fuelled her rage, her desire to rip every one of them apart.


Ewan Kemp had worked for the DIR for over 10 years. He'd started off as a mere guard, helping protect and defend compounds. Learning not to ask questions. Following the instructions given by his superiors. He wasn't stupid, he applied reason and rationality to his actions, not blindly following the rules as his comrades did. It was what helped him rise through the ranks, allowing him to reach the position of commander quite early on. He had learn what happened behind the closed doors, knew what the screams meants. Worse, he now knew what the silence meant.

So when he saw Sam standing before him. Eyes glowing, a vengeful hatred almost seeping from her being, he knew that they had no chance in direct combat. Small as she may be, he had seen wolves when they fought with their animalistic instincts. They were unstoppable.

And although not many werewolves knew how to fight in their human form whilst using their wolf's abilities, he recognised Sam. Had heard the tales of the redhead that couldn't be stopped. He knew that she was more animal than human. 

She was powerful, and she was vengeful. And they stood no chance. Unless...


Just as Sam prepared to pounce, she noticed the groups of guards suddenly change their tactics. Although the first line didn't break formation, the ones behind grouped themselves around Aiden, the two biggest hoisting him onto their shoulders. 

They're taking him away. They're going to lock him away, hide him from me while I waste time fighting. Her mind immediately reacted.

She lunged forward, claws a blur as she moved faster than she ever had before. A small voice rang in the back of her head. Don't kill. Almost subconsciously she listened, her hand deviating at the last second as her claws narrowly missed the carotid of the woman in front of her, instead making connection with her nose, knocking her out immediately. 

The next one, she took down with a precise kick to the temple. As he crumpled on the floor in front of her, she noticed that the group around Aiden hadn't moved, and that the remaining members of the front group had retreated to surround them.

Suddenly it dawned on her. They weren't taking Aiden anywhere. They were going to use him to gain an advantage over her, like the red cape in front of the enraged bull. Making her see red, causing her to have tunnel-vision, only able to focus on one at a time, rather than the whole group. She had to keep calm and focused.


Kemp tried to maintain his cool as he watched the she-wolf prowling around the group. He'd directed the guards to converge around the male wolf, correctly guessing that he was somehow linked to her, and that he could be used as bait. But now, watching her careful, considered movements, he doubted whether she was even flustered. She portrayed a lack of emotionality, a complete, calculating control. Her small, measured steps slowly circled the group as she surveyed them, looking for a chink in the armour.

Her eyes locked with Kemp's, yet despite the cool red orbs staring back at him, he refused to doubt his plan. Her eyes moved away just as quickly, and he sensed the guard beside him tremble. Internally Kemp willed her to maintain her position, and she did, although her breath could be heard coming out in jagged gasps.

Suddenly a man at the front of the group let out a whimper, followed by a soft shriek as he threw himself on the ground, cowering in front of predatorial threat.

The she-wolf pounced at the movement, taking advantage of the momentary weakness. She manoeuvred herself into the gap, her claws and fangs immediately giving her the advantage in such close proximity. 

The group is too boxed in! The warning rang too late through Kemp's head as he watched his soldiers desperately attempt to escape, unable to move due to the lines of soldiers surrounding them.

"Disperse!" he roared. 

Suddenly the she-wolf's eyes snapped back to him. She could recognise the voice of authority from a mile off, and she knew that he was the leader of this group. Chop off the head, and the followers will fall. He thought grimly.

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