Chapter 18

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Aiden clutched Sam to his chest, forcing himself to ignore the deep welts that covered her body. Yet he was unable to tear his eyes away, every bruise, every cut, every burn etched itself into his brain. He couldn't tear his eyes away, her body painted the picture of a thousand horrors. The world around him fell away, all he could do was focus on the broken girl in his arms. Her eyes remained closed, her eyelids softly closed as if she was sleeping, and every time he glanced down at her face a jolt raced through his mind.

Please don't be dead. You can't die on me. Please don't be dead.... His mind played the words on repeat. He couldn't let himself think of anything else.

He grasped at her body, desperately listening for her heartbeat, and every time he heard the steady thump his mind calmed a little, until his eyes once again skimmed over the injuries that covered her skin.

Throughout his musings, his feet continued to carry him forward. He crossed the cells without thinking, his mind not registering his path. He pushed through the large double doors, oblivious to the people around him. He didn't even notice Liam standing near him, staring over his shoulder at the girl that they both loved. When Liam spoke, he didn't hear the words. He couldn't, because once again her heart rate had slowed.

He froze in his path, his feet planted on the ground, every nerve focused on the sound of her heartbeat. Her skin felt colder, her face pale, almost blue despite the light of the sun that streamed through the burned beams.


My body burns with a thousand fires. There is no part that hurts more than others, they all burn the same, a deep pit of horror that I feel myself falling into. I can feel my bones cracking, my skin tingling as if a hundred knives are being forced into it, burrowing themselves deeper. Reaching my core, my soul.

I hardly notice when arms move around me, lift me up. But I do feel the sense of weightlessness that comes with it. And when I smell that scent, when that comforting cinnamon envelops me, I try to cry out, try to speak. I need him. I need to get away from whoever is holding me hostage in their cruel embrace. But my lips won't move, my body won't respond. It wilts into the person's touch, refusing to cooperate.

I almost miss the citrusy scent but as we move forward, I smell it, just at the same time as a bright light envelops me. I feel warmth on my skin, and a dazzling light overhead even though my eyes remain determinedly closed. I struggle to reach those scents, not knowing in my pain why I must find them. But I do know that I must. Desperately I struggle, trying to free myself from the solid arms that entrap me, but I can't even tell if I'm moving.

My lungs burn with every breath, my chest aching. Unable to call out, unable to fight. It feels like blunt rocks are being dragged across my skin, over and over until they finally cut through. And when they do, it's almost a relief, because I know the pain can't get any worse. That the worst is over. But it can get worse, as the rocks reach my muscles, my bones. I can almost hear the grating sound they make, feel their rough edges as they bury themselves within me.

I know this is only a physical pain, but it feels like it is reaching the depths of my soul. I suck in a breath, my lungs sound raspy to my own ears. I can feel my life fading, my control over my body disintegrating. Suddenly I feel cold. It eases the burn, but I know what this means. My body is giving up. I'm not pumping blood, not producing adrenaline. Soon I'll shut down completely.


A sudden shout snapped Aiden out of his trance. He had been standing still, almost petrified, unable to breath, unable to move. His hands paw at her, desperately squeezing, hoping to bring life back into her cold body.

"Move!" He never would have thought that little Tay could make such a loud noise. They stood at his side, staring down at Sam with a horror in their eyes that he was sure mimicked his own. Suddenly the purple eyes snapped up to his.

"MOVE. NOW." There was no question in the words, the tone alpha-like and commanding. He felt his limbs obey of their own will, his legs moving without conscious thought. Slowly, he took a first step, a second. Then he was running, wrapping Sam closer to his chest, holding her into his body heat as he sprinted for her life.

He ran through the corridors, the bodies of the guards barely registering in his mind. Tay ran ahead, and Aiden couldn't help but vaguely wonder as to where they had found this strength, but the thought quickly evaporated. He dodged the trucks in the garage, back out into the blazing sunshine.

They hadn't parked the van very far away, but every step felt like an eternity. Sweat streamed from his forehead. He wasn't sure what he would do once he reached the van. He just knew he had to get her out of there. Had to get her away from them. He just hoped it was enough.

He bundled her into the back of the van, holding her close to him. The rest of the gang rushed in hot on his heels and Anne pushed the van into drive.

"Where are we going? We can't take her to a hospital!"

"The nearest pack." Aiden spoke without lifting his eyes, focusing instead on the steady rise and fall of Sam's chest to help calm his own erratic breathing. She was still alive. And the thought alone comforted him.

The next time he lifted his head, the sharp welcoming peaks of the Alps rose in the distance, the mountains coloured a soft red from the sun. Instantly, a sense of calm overcame Aiden, Sam's chest rising peacefully with each breath. Aiden temporarily forgot about his fears as he watched the signs of home gradually approach.

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