Chapter 27

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Sam tossed and turned that night. She was back in her own bed, but sleep wouldn't come to her. She lay awake, staring at the ceiling, her mind refusing to succumb to her tiredness. She was acutely aware of Aiden's presence just two rooms away, and Tay was in one of the rooms on the floor below. She desperately wanted to go to them.

After their conversation with Obi, she had felt the need to be alone for a little while, and had gone straight to her room, ignoring the pain clearly visible on Aiden and Tay's faces. They'd let her go though and had been respectful of her desire for solitude. Although a part of her wished they'd come to find her.

In her mind, she kept going over the conversation with Obi. She couldn't believe she finally had an answer to the question she had been asking for years.

She had always feared that she'd killed her own wolf. That her actions had forced Evie's soul to die. And she felt comfort knowing that it wasn't her fault that Evie had disappeared. But that did nothing to calm the fear in her soul. Except now she was fearful for a different reason. She was fearful of what she might become, of the monster that hid within her. And she knew it wasn't an unfounded fear. She had seen what she was capable of, had witnessed her monstrous acts, had seen the horror on people's faces when they saw what she had done.

The image of Aiden and Liam staring at her in horror as she'd been questioning the DIR commanders sprung unbidden to her mind and she cringed away from the memory. But it was followed by the memory of her snapping the necks of the guards in Texas, the relief when she'd heard the crack. Then she was back in the cages of the compound. Back to when she was unable to save her cellmates. She saw the faces of the wolves she had killed, the old and the young, the men and the women. They had all been the same. She'd felt the same surge of power, the same undeniable desire for more.

But I also felt disgust, and revolt. She countered, I didn't take pleasure in the act, just in the power it brought me.

Her mind reeled with the thoughts that threaten to overwhelm her. Her breathing quickened as she started to panic, fear resurfacing.

Suddenly the door creaked open, and she shot up, peering through the darkness of her room. Warm hands enveloped her, and she felt herself relax into the comforting arms, basking in the scent of cinnamon.

She felt unable to speak, but Aiden didn't say a word, respecting her silence. He simply held her as her breathing evened out. His hands massaged soft circles into her side, and she rolled over, curling herself on top of him, craving more of his touch.

Maybe I only craved power because I felt so powerless? Her mind stilled at the sudden realisation. It was a potential explanation, that the desire for more, was a desire for more power. A power that she had been denied her whole life. A power that she was being denied even now...

The thought settled her distraught mind, allowing her to fall asleep wrapped in Aiden's strong arms.

She slept peacefully, a sleep devoid of her usual dreams, and when she woke, she felt rested and calm. She opened her eyes, expecting to see the morning light shining through her windows. But outside it was still dark, a soft drizzle tapping against the windows.

Under her, she felt Aiden shift, his eyes opening too. His brows furrowed immediately.

"You're awake too?" She was confused. What had woken them?

A sudden blood-curdling scream rang out in the night. It was high pitched and filled with desperation, making Sam's hairs stand on end as it seemed to invade her soul.

Sam and Aiden locked eyes then scrambled up. Sam grabbed her leggings and knife holster, pulling them on as she ran. They reached the front door at the same time as the rest of the pack, all in varying states of dress. The scream had obviously woken the house, and based on the look in everyone's eyes, they were equally worried. Everyone was there, everyone except for...

"Where's Kira?" Sam asked, turning to Varshini who shrugged in response.

"She was at the treehouse earlier this week, and was going to come back when you arrived."

Sam racked her brain, she knew she hadn't seen Kira since arriving back the previous morning. But where could she be?

As Aiden threw open the main doors, realisation suddenly sunk in.

Kira was kneeling on the muddy grass, her clothes ripped to shreds. Kemp stood behind her, his hand knotted in her hair, pulling on it to expose her neck. A thin blade was pressed to her windpipe, threatening her carotids. Her eyes were widened in terror, her hands frantically pulling at Kemp's arm, but she stilled as he pressed the blade deeper.

Sam met Kira's stare, nodding slowly at her, trying to comfort her terrified friend. But then Kira's eyes swept past her, locking on whoever was behind her. Sam felt the person stiffen, followed by a low growl.

"Mine," Chén muttered, keeping his voice low so that the humans wouldn't hear it.

The guards with Kemp had moved to form a semi-circle around the front of the house, and Sam was sure there would be more in the surrounding forest. She couldn't count how many, but she knew that her small pack was greatly outnumbered.

She tried to catch someone's attention, looking around at her pack members. Only Varshini met her eyes, and she tried to convey her message through her facial expression, mouthing some of the words. She couldn't be sure her friend had understood her, but she nodded in response, disappearing back into the packhouse.

With a growl, she signalled to the rest of the pack, and they slowly descended the stairs, meeting the guards on the grass. Kemp twitched the blade slightly and everyone froze, eyes locked on Kira's neck. Sam knew that if they attacked now, they might have the advantage of surprise and speed. The guards were too close to prepare themselves, and if they leapt they would be able to take down most of them before they had the chance to gather themselves. But that would put Kira at risk, she wasn't sure she could reach her before Kemp could slit her throat. It would only take a single movement for him.

No, she had to distract him, find the perfect moment.

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