Favorite Thing To Do As a Married Couple

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HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!! 

I hope you've all had a wonderful start to this fresh start. The past few years have been so hard on so many people so I hope this year is everything YOU need it to be. 

Don't forget to take care of yourself and take some time to tell the ones you love how much they mean to you. Sending you all love. I appreciate you all always!

xoxo Nikole

Jam sessions

Playing this game the two of you came up with about a year after you two started dating. It's basically tag. Everywhere is fair game to tag the other except for the kitchen and your bedroom. It's been an ongoing game for years now but it's even more fun now that you live together.  

Grocery shopping. Specifically when it's to get food for a stay in date night supper!

Showers ;)

Taking walks outside to enjoy nature

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