How Do They Feel About PDA

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Hi lovelies!!! So....what'd y'all think of Slow Down AND the music vid?! I honestly hadn't even recovered from Lotus Inn yet. 😂 But I absolutely LOVE the song and the vid. It just makes me think of a song I'd play on those late night drives with no destination and the windows down. I think there's also a really good message behind it. Slow down and appreciate life because sometimes we get going way too fast. And the boys look so happy in the music vid. 🥺

Anyway....I love how they're continually feeding us with content. Feels so good to be apart of this fandom.

Love y'all and forever appreciate you. Enjoy this update!

xoxo Nikole💛

He doesn't love it but he doesn't mind holding your hand, hugging, small kisses, cuddling, and stuff like that in public.

He doesn't love it and likes to keep things private. But he likes to show off how cute you guys are. So he'll hold your hand, hug you, quickly kiss you, and cuddle with you around others.

Zach doesn't mind it as long as it's not heavily hanging on each other.

You two don't mind it at all. About the only thing you wouldn't do in public would be to have sex.

Jack doesn't mind a little. He'll hold your hand, hug you, and kiss you quickly. He likes to show you off but knows you like to be more private.

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