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They all applied for UA...

Michael's POV:

Finally! I'm really excited for the exam, I just hope it'll be a challenge.

"Hey Ellith! You done yet?" I said, she's taking her long ass time. "Almost!!! Go wait for me at the exit!" Is what I wish she said... "Nope, Far from it. I just started actually, so please stop being an impatient brat! And wait for me at the Lounge" is what she actually said. How did we become friends?! And I still don't have the answer to that.

I was waiting at the Lounge, minding my own business when I suddenly saw 2 familiar faces. I did a double check just to make sure, and Yep! It was them!

"CHRISTIE! NJ!" I called out, they looked suprised to see me, then I ran their direction. "Hello! Nice to see ya again. M'ladies" I bowed just to get them a bit more embarrassed since there were other people applying.

"Stop it, Micheal! People are starting to eye us!" Said NJ, I mean... Why would I want to stop? But I did. "What're you doing here!? ITS BEEN SO LONGG!! And if your here does that mean Ellith is too?" Christie asked, she's pretty excited.

"Yeah, she is. But she's taking her time in applying" I sound annoyed, maybe because I am.

"Wait, your applying!?" NJ asked."Um...DUH!" I said... "No way... US TOOO!!!" Christie said, practically screaming in my ear. But I do hope we get to see each other more, I mean, we didn't even have time to say goodbye last time all of us were together.

Christie and NJ were almost done in applying, while Ellith and I were waiting for them, why? Because we're gonna go talk and talk and talk about stuff... Probably about what happened while we were apart.

And here they come!

Christie's POV:

We are currently at a Diner, that I don't know the name of. And here is how the conversation is going...

NJ: We've missed you guys!
Ellith: same here!

(A GIANT TIGHT GROUP HUG, btw I'm not a fan of hugs so.. Im the first to sguiggle out)

NJ: We have lots of catching up to do!
Ellith: A.L.O.T!

Micheal & Christie: Here we go...

It's been a while and let me say, NJ and Ellith sure are Chatty... But I think they got tired because right now, they're both drinking their shakes.

So Michael and I started talking.
C: I'm excited for the exam!
M: yeah!!!! So am I! I really wanna see if I can fight anyone there, ive been working out, you know...
C: yeah, right... You can barely hold a boulder
M: Yes, I can! If it's a not that big of a boulder...

C: Okayyyyy sooo when are you guys taking the exam?
E: This Friday
N: seriously? Us too!
C: cool, I really wanna know what the challenge is though, are we gonna fight each other? Are we gonna fight pro heros?? Are we gonna fight Villians?!
M: I don't think so... But it would be awesome if we could
N: I have no idea why you two like to fight so much...
E: So I bet Christie is the same as always?
N: Yeah, pretty much..
C: What's that supposed to mean??
M: and what about me? No ones gonna ask if I'm okay!?
E, N & C: nope
M: *sigh....

( Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah, I'm too lazy to finish writing the conversation so time skip --- to when they're about to leave and go back home )

C: Okay, well it was nice talking to you but we gotta head back.
E: Yeah so do we
N: so that means we'll see each other on the battlefield, Friday.
M: Yeah, See ya
C & N: Byeeeee

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Total of 654 words!

---------- Christa ----------

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