Sasuke turned to me. "Why did you do that?" I stared at him. "You mean, when I told Gaara my name? That's called being polite." Sasuke tsked and looked away. I shrugged. Moegi pulled on my pant leg. "Your so cool! How did you move behind that guy so fast?" I smiled and patted her on the head. "Training, lots of training." Konohamaru looked to Naruto. "Boss! Your teammates are awesome! You need to step up your game!" Naruto groaned. "I'm cool too ya know! Sakura's just freakishly strong and Sasuke trains instead of sleeping." I poked him in the stomach. "You have the chakra reserves of a tank, build up some chakra control and your set for life. Or hell, let me drag you into the summoning realm, with that much chakra you could summon a toad the size of a mountain." Naruto snapped his fingers. "Oh! I remember, you summoned that lion right?" Sasuke's interest had peaked. "Who did you get the summoning scroll from?" I grinned. "I didn't, I just entered the summoning realm through some sealing." I pondered an idea for a second. 'You wouldn't.' I would. I turned to both Naruto and Sasuke. "Say, if I can get a summon with my reserves, then you two should be able to get your own no problem!" A smirk reached Sasuke's face. "Well, that sounds a hell of a lot more interesting than ramen." Naruto ignored Sasuke's ramen comment. "Let's do it! I bet mine will be stronger than Sasuke's" Sasuke looked ready to protest so I removed my gloves and swiped my finger along a kunai.

I dabbed the blood onto the summoning tattoo. Milo appeared in a puff of smoke. He looked around for enemies but found none. Milo gave me a dry look. "Why am I here?" I grinned under my mask. "I need you to take the three of us to the summoning realm." Konohamaru bounced around. "Wait! We wanna come too!" I laughed and ruffled his hair. "Tell you what, if you can survive the academy I would be willing to take you." That seemed to pacify the children as they looked at Milo in awe. Milo sighed at the attention and look between me and my teammates. "Well, are you ready to go?" Naruto raised his hand, I nodded at him. "What about lunch?" I patted him on the back. "Don't worry, I packed sandwiches." I placed a hand on Milo's back, signaling Sasuke and Naruto to do the same. 'We're gonna die.' With a final nod towards Milo, we were off.

The familiar feeling of my body being sucked into a vortex filled my senses. I couldn't see Naruto or Sasuke, but I could hear Naruto's screams. 'Worry not Naruto, Sasuke will protect you!' I gripped onto Milo's fur, praying that neither one of teammates decided to let go. The ten seconds of dimension travel were enough to make someone throw up, so I was relieved when I hit the grass. I took a moment to catch my breath before looking around. To my left, Sasuke sat dazed. To my right, Naruto laid on the ground. 'I'm surprised neither of them lost their lunches.' We didn't have lunch. 'Ok so breakfast.' I stood up, dusting off my pants. Sasuke and Naruto did the same. I observed our surroundings, okay so we landed in the forest. I turned to Milo. "You know where we are right?" Milo nodded. I shrugged in response. Sasuke looked at me. "What now." I rubbed my chin. "Lets head to the jungle first, don't worry about taking to long, time passes differently here." Sasuke nodded. Naruto held his hands behind his head. "Why the jungle." I smiled. "I have a good idea what your summon is gonna be, Sasuke not so much, so we'll just head to yours first." Naruto started bouncing. "What do think mine will be?" I smirked. "The surprise is part of the fun blondie."

We trekked into the wetter part of the forest, following Milo. 'So, are we actually giving Naruto the toad contract?' Well we're not giving it to him, the toads will recognize him as kin of Minato so he'll have a good chance with them. If that doesn't work, we'll try the foxes. 'What's Sasuke gonna do?' Anything that isn't a crow or snake. 'How about a duck?' As hilarious as that would be, Sasuke would probably rather die. I began to notice an uphill slop in our journey, which is good because we're trying to get to 'Mount' Myoboku. 'I'm guessing that's the home of the toads?' Bingo. I smiled as a small toad hopped onto a leaf, we must be getting closer. Milo carefully stepped over a slightly larger toad, we did the same. The toad took one look at Naruto and hopped towards the slowly building mountain. 'Do they recognize him.' Probably.

Fixing Sakura - Naruto RebornWhere stories live. Discover now