18- Happy New Year

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2 months later...

Kenna's P.O.V.

Nick and I have been doing really well. He treats me like a queen and is just as good with the twins. Both Mason and Aubrey love him and have adjusted really well in the Hayes house. The holidays have passed and it's New Years Eve. We are all going out to Toxic later tonight. Isaac has invited Scott, so I'm super excited for tonight. Olivia is going to her cousins in Pennsylvania for four days and she took Lana with them, so they won't be coming.

Alec and Kay offered to watch the twins but they are staying with Ivan for the night. He needs to go back to Russia for business so he wanted to spend time with them before he left. I haven't had a whole night away from them for a very long time, I'm looking forward to relaxing tonight.

I walked downstairs when I heard the guys all talking, I didn't mean to eavesdrop but I heard my name. "Ivan, I think Kenna would kick ass at this fight." Bryan seemed to be defending me.

"I don't care, Nick and Alec agree... it's too dangerous, damnit."

"What are you all talking about?" I said, coming from around the corner. I could tell they weren't happy I heard this conversation.

"Nothing sweetheart." Ivan replied, quickly.

"Don't bullshit me, I want to know what is too dangerous for me?"

He let out a breath, "There's an underground fight called Epic, it happens every five years, only the best get invited and you were hand-picked. You and a guy that goes by the name of Viper."

"Is it safe? How much?"

"Iisus! (Jesus) Kenna, this isn't a good idea. Not only do the best get invited, but so do the most dangerous." Ivan replied.

"Fifty thousand. It's safe because I can be right by your side since I represent you." Bryan cut in. "But Ivan is right, the most dangerous also get hand selected."

"Can I think about it? That money would be really nice."

"McKenna, I will give you a hundred thousand... Fuck I'll give you a million if you don't fight."

"I'm not taking your money! What is your deal? You trained me for this, what has changed for you to want me to stop fighting?"

"Everything has changed. You finally have a lead on your parents murder, you have a man who cares about you and you finally seem happy, Kenna. You don't need to fight anymore."

"I know where you're coming from Ivan, I will think about what you said, okay."

Mason and Aubrey came into the room with their suitcases. Ivan gave me a kiss and a look that told me we weren't done with that conversation. He grabbed their bags as I knelt down to give them both a big hug and kiss. "Be good and listen. I'll see you in the morning."

"Bye Mommy," they both hugged and kissed me back and then went and gave Nick a hug goodbye.

I went upstairs to get ready for our night, I took a shower and started drying my hair when there was a knock at the door. I was just in my underwear so I wrapped a towel around me. "Who is it?"

"It's me sweetie." Kay said, on the other side of the door.

"Come in."

Kay came in and walked up to me. "I was just wondering if you would like some help getting ready?"

"Yes, that would be great."

She helped apply make-up and fixed my hair. I picked up my dress and went into the bathroom to change. I came out and Kay's hand went up to cover her mouth. "Oh, my son will die when he sees you tonight, he probably won't want to even go out."

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