15- Mark

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Kenna's P.O.V.

I called Alice to see if she could watch the kids today for a little while, since Ms. Kay was at her diner. Alice could, so the line of five SUV's holding us plus Alec and Nick's men are all heading to my apartment to drop off Mason and Aubrey.

The kids and I got out and headed to Alice's door. I told her it would be a few hours until I'd come and get them.

I walked back to Nick's SUV, and got in. A short drive later we were pulling up to a home.

Nick, Joe and I followed Alec and a few of his men to the house.

Alec knocked and a man around his age opened the door.

"Well if it isn't Alec Hayes. What do I owe this pleasure?"

"I'm sorry to drop in like this, but I'm in need of some assistance."

"Please come in."

"I hope you don't mind that I brought my son and his girl with me, we have business after this and Nick has always thought so highly of you."

"Oh no, not at all." Mark was looking into my eyes. He walked over and extended his hand to me, "My dear, I'm Detective Mark Hennings. It's a pleasure to meet you."

"Lucy, the pleasures all mine Detective." I grabbed his hand and shook it. He lifted it to his lips and kissed the top of my hand.

The men sat down and started talking. As they bullshitted with one another, and talked about Mark covering up a job Alec needed help with, I looked around the area we were in. I noticed a vase in the adjoining room that had the same resemblance to one of my mom's vases.

"Excuse me, I don't mean to interrupt. But I was wondering if I could use your bathroom?"

"Of course sweetheart. Go through that hallway, first door to the left."

"Thank you so much."

It wasn't the direction of the vase I saw but I took the opportunity to look around for other things. I found the bathroom and pretended to shut it. I took off further down which brought me to a den. There sat a vase that once sat in my parents living room.

I left that room and headed back to the bathroom. There was a hallway that led me to the living room area and the first vase I saw. It was also my mom's.


I turned to go through that door and my mom's dragonfly vase caught my eye.

I was upset, but I took a deep breath as I walked back into the kitchen.

I walked up to Nick as his eyes narrowed in on me.

He got down lower, "This fucker has at least three of my mom's vases."

"Go stand by Joe, now." He demanded.

I stood right next to Joe's side. Joe took a little step forward and moved me so I was behind him.

Nick brought out his gun and placed it on Marks temple.

"I think you need to come with us Mark." Nick was ice cold, I've never seen him like this before.

"Alec, what's this about?" Mark raised his hand.

"I'm assuming you did something to piss his girlfriend off, and if that's the case Mark... You're in a lot of trouble." Alec replied, coldly.


After the guys got Mark loaded up in the one SUV, Alec told the guys to take him to the warehouse.

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