13- Nick & Kenna

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Kenna's P.O.V.

Monday came around and I was dropping the kids off at school. My cheek wasn't swollen anymore, My makeup did a really good job covering it up, Ms. Kay helped with that. Anyone that got real close to me would probably be able to notice, which would be Olivia, Lana and Scott.

"You guys have a good day, be good and I'll see you after school my loves."

"Bye Mommy." They waved goodbye.

Their teacher pulled me aside and asked if I was all right.

I gave her a puzzled look? As she pointed at my cheek.

"Ahhhh, can you notice it?"

"It's not that noticeable, but we're supposed to look for these things." She responded.

"I'm okay, I was mugged this weekend. Thank God, the twins weren't with me. The mugger didn't do any serious damage. I told the twins I fell when I got home because I didn't want to scare them."

"Oh my gosh. That's terrible."

"I promise you, I'm fine. I didn't give the mugger my purse when they asked. They were caught, and everything is good now."

"Yes. So thankful. Take care sweetie, have a good day."

"You too, Ma'am."

Oh God, I hope she bought that.

I got to school quickly and was instantly greeted by Scott, Olivia and Lana.

"Hey girlllllll... what the fuck happened to your eye?" Scott asked, with the look of shock and concern.

"Would you please keep it down. I don't want to draw attention to it." I said, slapping his arm.

Olivia and Lana still haven't said a word, their eyes wide as saucers.

"Is it noticeable?"  I questioned.

"Not really, I don't think I would have noticed it right away if Scott didn't say something." Olivia admitted.

"Crap, I was mugged Friday night. Before you ask… I'm fine!"

"I'll kill them." Lana yelled.

"Lana." I started to laugh. She is the quietest and sweetest girl I know, so that makes me laugh.

I walked up and gave her a hug. "As much I appreciate that, he's been taking care of. It's all good."

"I'm being glared at by Nick. Otherwise I would kiss it and make it feel better." Scott teased.

"Speaking of kissing, did you see Isaac, AKA Sac69 this weekend?" I said, poking his chest.

"Friday night, and Saturday morning. He was working again but we texted a lot when we weren't together."

"What does he do?" I asked.

"He's a guard for a high profiled family I guess, he can't really talk about it."

"Wow, how old is he?" Olivia asked.

"Twenty." He said, wiggling his eyes.

I linked my arm between Scott and Lanas. Olivia was on Scott's other arm as we walked into school.

The week flew by, my cheek bruise was hardly noticeable anymore. It's Friday night, I had told Bryan I didn't want to fight for a few weeks. That would give my cheek time to heal, and I didn't want to show up to school with any more marks on my face.

Every night after the kids went to bed, I've been looking through my dad's paperwork. Everyone has gone to bed. Mason and Aubrey are sound asleep, as I'm laying here tossing and turning. I got up and went down to the kitchen to make some tea. All I kept thinking about was those freakin' papers. I was getting so frustrated.

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