|| Kuroko x Kagami || Kuroko no basket ||

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Kuroko's POV

"Kagami!" Kuroko shouted, his friend came over without any hesitation, his red hairs flying in the wind.

"Kuroko? Is that you?" Kagami seemed surprised.

"Yeah. It's me."

The two would talk and bicker at same time, the Saturday afternoon weather was cool, leaving a cold frost in the air. The sun was already starting to go down beneath the mountains, signalling the end of the day. Yet the two friends stood there, looking at each other as if they had changed into something different and more beautiful.

"Funny seeing you here."

"Yeah..." Kuroko's reply was short and cool, his face remained monotone. He didn't dare show his liking for Kagami just yet. The emotions that would build itself within Kuroko every time the two came face to face with each other.
"Something wrong?" Kagami's face zoomed back into focus, making Kuroko realise he had zoned out.

"Well, do you want to come over to my place?" Kuroko knew Kagami was trying his best to be nice. His normal attitude would be shouting and yelling. Kuroko was grateful that he had such good friends. The rest of the generation of miracles were all still in school. Serin's term ended slightly earlier compared to the others.

"Sure." It would be nice to hangout with someone once in a while.

Kagami seemed obviously relieved, like he was anticipating something bad. "Great! Let's go." Meeting on the street wasn't that common, but it happened once in a while. And that once or twice it happened, would always make Kuroko's day.

Stupid Kagami and his fiery red hair, it always made him want to run his hands through it. It was utterly unbelievable that something like this had occurred. What would make someone like Kuroko fall for this dumb idiot that was grinning at him right at that moment. Well, Kuroko could list so many reasons if he wanted to. It was silly, and he was sure Kagami was into girls.

Kagami unlocked the door to his apparement quickly, as if in a hurry. The sun outside had now set, Kuroko had no idea how long it had been.

A few hours passed with them laying around the house and watching movies, relaxing their feet and chatting away at random whatnots. Albeit Kuroko was relaxed, he was still quite jittery. The feeling of being so close to Kagami was very nerve racking. Afraid that the red haired high schooler would hear his heart beating, he quickly lay down on the couch they were both sitting on.

Kagami obviously thought nothing of Kuroko sitting so far away, the movie was quite good but Kuroko wasn't paying attention.

"I'm going to go get some water." Kuroko watched as Kagami struggled out of his sitting position. It was definitely dark now, and it wasn't as if Kuroko wasn't afraid of anything. It sounded really stupid, but the only thing Kuroko was afraid of was the darkness. Of course, no one other than himself knew that.

"Um, Kuroko?" Kagami's voice drifted into the living room.

"What?" Thanking god his voice was steady, Kuroko hoped it was nothing serious.

"Could you come for a moment? It's late and I don't want to turn on the lights, but I can't find the cupboard." Kagami's voice came again.

Kuroko sighed and got up, he really didn't want to be wandering a dark house at night. It gave him the creeps. But however, this was Kagami after all...

Kuroko walked slowly into the kitchen, trying to avoid anything that he couldn't see.

"Kagami? Where are you?" Kuroko's voice echoed around the dark kitchen.

"Right here." Kagami's voice was too close, Kuroko could tell they were only a few inches apart.

"Y-you said you couldn't find the cupboard?"

"That's right." Kagami's voice was even closer.

Suddenly, a soft pair of lips pressed against Kuroko's.

They soon moved away, but it left the light blue haired boy breathless and gasping. "Wh—what?" Kuroko was stuttering, what in the world had just happened.

Nothing answered his question, instead, the lips came once more, only harsher this time. With more passion.

Kuroko instinctively leaned into it, letting their tongues battle for dominance. Kuroko had never in his life experienced something so passionate besides basketball, and this was a completely new and unique to him.

After they broke apart, Kuroko was utterly numb. "Why?" Kuroko's small voice barely made a sound.

"Uh, well... I just felt like doing it?" Kagami's voice was hoarse.

"So then would you liked to continue?" Kuroko smiled sheepishly.

"With pleasure."

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