|| Ainosuke x Tadashi || Sk8 the Infinity || 15+

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Okay, idk if anyone actually likes this ship, but I certainly hope you do! *hope*

Tadashi's POV

The slap across his face was fire burning against paper. The ring on Mr Ainosuke's hand drew blood, and as Tadashi swept his hand monotonously across, smearing blood, the azure haired male laughed.

"You are so pathetic." That face was what would one day bring Tadashi to his knees, that laughing face which was so triumphant.

After he withdrew from the competition, things had gone south. Tadashi could have left. He did not have to be Mr Ainosuke's scapegoat, he could get out of the situation and live a happy life. Why he did not? Well, leave it to those emotions tangled up in his head and heart. Leave that up to something more than just a contract between a master and a dog.

The dark black haired male only wanted to see his master smile again. Not all those sadistic smiles from when he found a lovable skater, but from childhood dreams and memories. Yet those had been the ones to disappear. The ones he had adored so much.

Tadashi collapsed promptly on the ground after leaving the race area. He could not help but admire the courage of the red haired boy who was Snow's friend. Despite being brought down once, he did not give up. Despite losing once again to Adam, he found skating fun.

Tadashi did not know where he was anymore, somewhere perhaps, without anyone to keep him company. The dim lights that lit the playground where flickering. It was strange to lay there. He didn't know what came over him all of a sudden, how suddenly, he felt that his emotions were worthless. That Mr Ainosuke deserved someone like Snow, even though the lighter blue haired male already had feelings placed elsewhere. Tadashi knew it was hopeless for Mr. Ainosuke to want that boy, but he wouldn't dare utter a word.

Because no matter how much it hurt to admit, he was worthless.

When you say a person fell asleep with their eyes open, it may have meant that they just stayed there, still as stone, not even blinking, drifting off slowly. A person who lost all their energy to fight back against a tide much to big to hold. A person that was slowly dying because of the oncoming sadness that would not hold itself back from eating up the insides of that person.

Something similar to that was happening right at that moment to Tadashi. Anyone would know that he didn't deserve to be treated the way he was, but people didn't always get what they deserved.

Cherry didn't deserve to be knocked off the board. The red haired male who was Snow's friend didn't deserve to have gotten a broken arm or be mocked by Adam. Snow didn't deserve to have his love life disrupted by someone he didn't even know. And Joe didn't deserve to watch as Cherry was flung off a board and on to the ground.

Tears were sliding down his face, and the usually monotone male didn't understand this feeling that was so similar to being punched in the gut.

It was as if there was a song echoing in his head, something sounded similar to lights, laughter and darkness at the same time. He missed the old Mr. Ainosuke. But he did not regret the fact that he taught the azure haired male how to skate.

"Mister!" For a moment, Tadashi didn't understand why the voice was familiar, then he realised it to be Snow's friend.

"Tadashi. What do you need." The tears had disappeared, leaving eyes that betrayed nothing. A cold yet sad heart that was locked inside a cage with walls up around it.

"I think Adam may need you. He seemed quite close with you so I decided to look for you once he lost."

How could Mr. Ainosuke lose? It was impossible. Utterly unthinkable. Stupid and—

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