|| Draco x Harry || Harry Potter || 18+

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Requested by osbsosbsowvic

Harry's POV

Hogwarts was his home. The only place he was truly free from the fucked up place he usually went home to during the summer. His sixth year. His NEWTS were coming up, and still, he couldn't help losing focus whenever a certain light haired blond boy was anywhere near.

Draco Malfoy. One whom Harry suspected to be a death eater, had been eating him up so much. The smirk, the whole face seemed to make him want to touch the other everywhere.

"Harry!" Hermione called out for the fifth time as Professor Snape walked past them.

"Yes? Sorry." Harry whispered back, making sure not to let Snape here them.

"Quiet." Snape had been too close. "Ten points from Gryffindor. One more peep out of any of you will be another fifty."

Harry gritted his teeth.

The lesson seemed to last for ten hours before the bell finally rang. As all the students left the classroom, Harry lingered. The main reason? Well, that would be Malfoy.

"Harry, mate. Why're you staring at Malfoy?" Ron glanced at Harry suspiciously.

"Ah, no reason."

Draco's POV

Harry Potter. The boy who lived. The boy who had rejected him. And also, his life's only love.

Pansey Parkinson wasn't his girlfriend. People may have believed whatever they believed, but Pansey actually liked girls.

As everyone else left the classroom, Draco waited. Potter had been staring at him quite a bit during the past month, and Draco was not just going to let something so interesting get away from him.

Cornering Potter wasn't hard. In fact, once the rest of his friends went into the common room, all Draco did was drag Potter back along the hall, to the seventh floor and into the room of requirement. This time, the only thing Draco asked for was an empty place where he could do anything.

Of course, the dark haired boy struggled against Draco's stronger grip.


"Malfoy! You son of a bitch, let go—" the glasses wearing boy did not shout, only struggled.

"First tell me why you've been staring at me." Draco smirked, and Potter's struggle immediately ceased.


But it was too late. The kiss that Draco had been wishing to happen finally released itself. Potter did not struggle too much, only slightly pushed against Draco's body with weakened arms.

Draco smirked and deepened the kiss, mixing them together, his smile widening when Potter moaned aloud.

When Draco released Potter's lips, the latter was gasping.

"We shouldn't be doing this, Malfoy..." The boy said.

"Call me Draco, after all, the feelings are mutual, right?" Draco licked his lips, humming slightly.

"Then call me Harry. Mutual?"

"Silly Potter. It means I like you and you like me."

"I know that!" Harry's expression was beyond cute.

After that, Draco dived in once more and captured Harry's lips. Devouring their flavour.

Now both their hands were roaming, tentatively at first, and then with more heat. Harry was a moaning mess, shivering with Draco's every touch.

Off came robes and shirts, eventually, all their clothes were strewn across the floor of the room of requirement.

Still kissing frantically, Draco pushed Harry—not so gently—onto a mattress that appeared right in front of them and started his probing.

Harry's back arched as one of Draco's fingers entered him, crying out when the second came in mercilessly.

Draco smiled at this sight, sweat trickled off both of their foreheads, but neither of them stopped. Harry Potter was just too beautiful. Even in his most embarrassing moments, Potter still seemed like a prince.

"Wet." Draco muttered, smirking when Harry flipped him off.

Then they were kissing again, fiery and passionate, leaving no room for boundaries.

Draco had not come unprepared. Once he finished the prepping, he applied to ointment to himself.

"Hey... wait! Are we really doing th— AHH!" Harry screamed as Draco entered him without warning, spreading him wide on the mattress that was so soft.

"Draco!" Harry moaned out, just managing to pronounce the syllables of Draco's name.

Watching Harry really turned Draco on. The blond haired boy could not think of anything besides the moaning mess of a boy he had left in his wake, not that he minded.

Then, without any hesitation, Draco withdrew and pushed back in.

Harry's POV

The feeling was indescribable. The pain and pleasure mixed together, the moans and grunts interlaced.

Draco's hand covered Harry's as the boy on the top hit Harry's prostate, eliciting a small shriek from the latter.

Draco's lips found Harry's once again, licking the edges of his lips and asking for an entrance which Harry tried but failed to refuse.

Draco pumped inside Harry, causing pleasure and pain to fuse into one, overpowered by the passion.

"D—Draco..." Harry whimpered, then moaned again as he came.

"Shhh." Another thrust. Draco bit Harry's neck, making the dark haired boy squirm. Then Draco released, Harry's back arched into the smirking boy's awaiting hands. Then, Draco started playing with him.

Touching every part of Harry's body, pinching his erect buds and pumping his manhood. Harry tried to hold in the noise, but eventually it couldn't be held back.

The two grasped at each other.

All throughout the night, no one could hear them whispering sweet nothings in each other's ears as their hands trailed everywhere.

"You know what?" Draco asked, smiling slightly, as they just lay there while the waves of sleepiness hit, "we should do this again sometime."

"Totally..." Harry said right before he dozed off into a dream full of the past hour.

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